How much does it cost to ride a camel at the pyramids?

How much does it cost to ride a camel at the pyramids? Official rate is 50-100 EGP however it can vary a lot depending on your negotiation skills. If you bargain you can get a discount that suits your budget. A 30-minute ride is around $20 in Cairo and can get more expensive in other touristic areas. It is up to you if you want to leave a tip to the camel owner.

Can you go inside the Sphinx of Giza?

Some tourists planning a Great Sphinx of Giza tour wonder if you can go inside og the Great Sphinx enclosure. It is possible, but only during our tour of the Giza Pyramids and Sphinx.

How much is 1 camel worth in Egypt?

Smaller camels go for as little as 15,000 EGP, but bigger beasts can sell for 50,000 EGP and up. The camel trade is very profitable, because it has a very reasonable price compared with the high prices of other meat, like cows, buffaloes, and sheep.

Can I wear shorts in Egypt as a woman?

It's technically permissible to wear shorts in Egypt, though not regarded as appropriate outside of beach areas. It seems, however, that some girls do wear shorts. even short shorts, in Egypt outside of beach areas, so perhaps you could do so, as well.