How much does it cost to put car on train to Florida?

How much does it cost to put car on train to Florida? Cost To Ship Your Car By Train as well as Orlando. Amtrak's Auto Train service has the following one-way fares: Standard Vehicle: $208 per vehicle. Extended vehicle: $239 per vehicle.

How long is the car train to Florida?

Ticket Options and Travel Time Keep in mind that bringing a vehicle—which is required for all passengers—is an additional charge. The nonstop trip takes just over 17 hours, slightly longer than the time it would take to drive the 850 miles without stopping (and without traffic). The train departs daily.

Can you shower on the Auto Train?

Yes, all meals are included with the purchase of sleeping accommodations aboard the train as well as several other perks including; a picture window, showers and toilets, electrical outlets, climate...

Can I sleep in my car on the Auto Train?

On the Auto Train you can sleep in coach class seats or in a sleeper car, but Auto Train passengers cannot sleep in their car while on the train.

Can I bring my car to Florida by train?

The Auto Train transports you and your car (or van, motorcycle, SUV, small boat, jet-ski or other recreational vehicle) nonstop from the Washington, DC area to Florida, just outside of Orlando.

Is it cheaper to use a car or train?

If price is the deciding factor, the car trip will usually be the cheaper one for anything more than a single passenger or a single passenger with infant child in tow. (Kids under two generally ride the train free.)