How much does it cost to get from Sydney Airport to city?
How much does it cost to get from Sydney Airport to city? Transport options The Sydney CBD is a short, 20 minute ride away and will cost about $45-$55 one way. You'll find taxi ranks at the front of all terminals - simply follow the signs to the nearest ranks. For rideshare services, please arrange with your driver to meet you at our priority pick-up area.
Is there a free shuttle bus in Sydney?
A free city centre shuttle bus (route 555) operates every 10 minutes on a circuit from Central Station to Circular Quay, along George Street, linking many of Sydney's attractions.
Can Uber pick up from Sydney Airport?
Can riders be picked up at Sydney Airport using the Uber app? Yes, riders can request a ride through the Uber app to and from Sydney Airport.
Is Airport train free in Sydney?
The ticket to or from an Airport station comprises a Gate Pass and a rail component. The Adult Gate Pass is $17.00, or $16.68 when using an Opal Card or a contactless payment. The Child Gate Pass is $15.00 or $14.92 via Opal or Contactless. These amounts are added to a rail ticket.
How much is the Sydney transport Day Pass?
Daily and Weekly Caps $17.80 a day (Mondays to Thursdays), $8.90 on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. $50 a week.