How much does it cost to enter the ultra low emission zone?

How much does it cost to enter the ultra low emission zone? The current daily ULEZ charge is £12.50. This applies to all vehicles driven within the zone that do not meet the emissions criteria, including residents' vehicles. However, you do not need to pay the charge if your vehicle is parked and not driven. The daily charge runs from midnight to midnight.

Do I need to pay ULEZ if my car is parked?

Drivers do not need to pay the daily ULEZ charge for vehicles parked inside the zone that are not driven on that day. This is regardless of whether the vehicle is parked on a private drive or on street.

Is ULEZ free for blue badge holders?

ULEZ grace period (temporary discount) Eligible applicants for these grace periods will not need to pay the ULEZ charge until 25 October 2027. Blue badge holders will need to pay the ULEZ charge unless their non-compliant vehicle qualifies for one of the following 3 grace periods.

Do you have to pay to drive out of the ULEZ?

The ULEZ operates across all London boroughs, and the M25 is not in the zone. The charges only need to be paid if you drive your vehicle within the zone. Parked vehicles are not subject to any charges. As well as ULEZ and LEZ charges, you may also need to pay the Congestion Charge.

What happens if you refuse to pay ULEZ?

An Order for Recovery means TfL will register that outstanding ULEZ charge as unpaid debt with the Traffic Enforcement Centre and will also mean your original charge will increase too. If drivers continue to ignore charges and notices, then the debt process will take place which could see bailiffs at your door.

Is the M25 in the ULEZ zone?

No. The M25 is not be covered by the ULEZ expansion, most of which stops short of the motorway. The M25 marks the boundary of the zone at Enfield and Noak Hill, and although the zone does go slightly past the motorway at North Ockendon, the motorway itself is not subject to ULEZ charges.

How do I pay for entering the ULEZ zone?

The ULEZ is enforced by cameras that are able to read your number plate as you drive anywhere within the zone and will automatically detect whether or not your vehicle meets the ULEZ emissions standards. As with the congestion charge, drivers can pay in advance or on the day of travel online using the TfL site.