How much does it cost to eat in Thailand per day?

How much does it cost to eat in Thailand per day? Average Daily Costs While meal prices in Thailand can vary, the average cost of food in Thailand is ?605 per day. Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in Thailand should cost around ?242 per person. Breakfast prices are usually a little cheaper than lunch or dinner.

Is Hawaii or Thailand more expensive?

Phuket, Thailand has many things in common with Hawaii, but sky-high prices aren't one of them. We pay just $84 per night for our spacious suite, by comparison, in Hawaii, rates at a similar property would easily start at $400.

Can I wear red in Thailand?

Of course, it is perfectly safe to wear a red shirt in Thailand! Unless that is you wear one and join a mass demonstration against the army's orders... Red is an auspicious color in Thailand cause of the Thai-Chinese, and Sunday is the 'red day of the week'.

How much money do I need for 10 days in Thailand?

Are you still wondering how much money to take to Thailand for 10 days? Generally speaking, you can travel around Thailand on a budget of $35-$70 per day (per person). As you can see in the infographic, we spent $67 per day as a couple.

Do you tip in Thailand?

Tipping in Thailand is not customary and there are no requirements to tip anyone, leaving a small gratuity for great service is appreciated, but unlike other parts of the world you will never see a Thai service provider with their hand out expecting to be tipped.

Is $500 dollars enough for a week in Thailand?

Is $500 enough for Thailand? It is fine to stay with that budget in small city or town not in big cities like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket etc. And if you adapt your lifestyle to be local people by eating street food or stay in reasonable price of accommodation. It is enough for 500 USD.

How much cash should I carry to Thailand?

A passport and a boarding pass are required when you declare on the form. If you enter Thailand via land/sea, you will need to have cash of or equivalent to 20,000 Baht per person or 40,000 Baht per family.

Should I carry cash in Thailand?

You will need cash in Thailand for most markets, tuk tuks, some taxis, songtaews and small food outlets. Try not to use it for big purchases.