How much does food cost in Hawaii?

How much does food cost in Hawaii? Food Costs The average cost of food per person per day is about $61, but it can fluctuate depending on where you eat and how many people you go with. Fortunately, there are also some ways to save money on food costs during your vacation.

How much is a hamburger in Hawaii?

How much does a hamburger cost in Hawaii? Ingredients cost the most in Hawaii, where a single burger adds up to $2.75. They're more than 50 cents cheaper in Arizona, where each burger runs an average of $2.16.

How much is a typical meal in Hawaii?

Although the following figures are average estimates on what you might spend on necessities and fun in Hawaii, they may help you when planning your vacation budget: Breakfast and lunch: $8 to $16 per person. Dinner: $14 to $25 per person. Gourmet meal: $25 to $55 per person.

Is fast food more expensive in Hawaii?

Yes, McDonald's and other fast-food chains are generally more expensive in Hawaii compared to mainland US prices.

What is the minimum wage in Hawaii?

What is the minimum wage in Hawaii? The current minimum wage in Hawaii is $12.00 per hour, which is $4.75 higher than the federal minimum wage of $7.25. Tipped employees may be paid below the minimum wage as long as the combined pay from wages and tips is at least $7 more than the minimum wage.

How much money do you need for a week in Hawaii?

For a one week trip, that means you'll spend anywhere from $350 to $1000 per week. Just remember that if you do choose to get a car rental in Hawaii, you'll need to be aware of parking fees. Parking fees around the cities cost just a few dollars per hour.

What I Cannot bring to Hawaii?

  • Pineapple and bromeliad plants and fruits.
  • Passion fruit plants and seeds.
  • Cruciferous root vegetables (radish, turnip, daikon, horseradish, rutabaga)
  • Corn on the cob.
  • Citrus and pulpy fruits from Florida & Puerto Rico.
  • Taro and dasheen.
  • Coconuts.

Is Hawaii expensive to eat out?

Honestly, prices in Hawaii are not greater than mainland US. Some restaurants DO charge high prices depending on where (usually ocean side dining costs more, eating at high-end chain restaurants or hotels is expensive). However, there are places to eat where you can expect to pay prices you are familiar with.

How much is a cup of coffee in Hawaii?

A regular cup of coffee can cost around $6 to $8 in Hawaii. Locally produced Hawaiian coffee can go up to $20 to $100 per bag. Hawaii is known to contain some of the most expensive coffee in the United States.

Is $1,000 enough for a week in Hawaii?

For a one week trip, that means you'll spend anywhere from $350 to $1000 per week. Just remember that if you do choose to get a car rental in Hawaii, you'll need to be aware of parking fees. Parking fees around the cities cost just a few dollars per hour.

What month is the cheapest to fly to Hawaii?

April thru June and mid-August thru mid-September are Hawaii's low seasons, and airfares are lower then. No matter what time of year you travel, you may be able to score better deals if you travel midweek.

What can you not bring back from Hawaii?

Common Items from Hawaii NOT ALLOWED into the U.S. Mainland or Alaska
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, some exceptions are those listed below as permitted.
  • Berries of any kind, including fresh coffee berries and sea grapes.
  • Cactus plants or cactus plant parts.
  • Cotton and cotton bolls.
  • Fresh flowers of jade vine, and Mauna Loa.

How much spending money do you need per day in Hawaii?

You should plan to spend around $342 per day on your vacation in Hawaii, which is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors. Past travelers have spent, on average, $77 on meals for one day and $37 on local transportation. Also, the average hotel price in Hawaii for a couple is $427.

Do I need to bring cash to Hawaii?

It's always advisable to bring money in a variety of forms on a vacation: a mix of cash, credit cards, and traveler's checks. You should also exchange enough petty cash to cover airport incidentals, tipping, and transportation to your hotel before you leave home, or withdraw money upon arrival at an airport ATM.