How much does bear spray cost in Yellowstone?

How much does bear spray cost in Yellowstone? Grizzly and black bears thrive in the Grand Teton and Yellowstone ecosystem. You may encounter bears anywhere in the Jackson Hole area and National Parks. Bear Spray costs $40 to $60 per can, are non-refundable, and cannot be taken aboard airplanes.

Do I need bear spray for hiking in Montana?

Always carry bear spray, and make sure it's accessible. Don't keep it in your backpack – a charging bear won't wait for you to find it.

What to do if chased by bear in Yellowstone?

If you have bear spray, have it out and ready to use.
  1. If you have bear spray, have it out and ready to use.
  2. Do not run. This could trigger a chase response from the bear.
  3. Remain calm.
  4. Slowly back away from the bear.
  5. Say, It's okay bear, or I'm leaving bear, to let the bear know you are a human.

Do hikers carry bear spray?

Bear spray and firearms are the last tools in your toolbox. They should not provide a false sense of security. It is recommended that you carry bear spray when hiking in bear country.

Why carry bear spray in Yellowstone?

Take an active role in protecting yourself and the bears people come to Yellowstone to see: carry bear spray and learn how to use it! Bear spray is a non-lethal deterrent designed to stop aggressive behavior in bears.

Should you carry bear spray in tetons?

Remember, always carry bear spray when hiking in Grand Teton, practice with inert cans often, and be bear aware! Stay safe out there and enjoy yourself while recreating responsibly in Grand Teton.

Where is bear spray not allowed?

If you have a trip planned to Yosemite National Park this summer, go ahead and leave the bear spray at home. It's not allowed within park boundaries. Bear spray is actually considered a weapon according to the park's regulations.