How much does a taxi in St Thomas cost?

How much does a taxi in St Thomas cost? Hourly Rates (1-4 passengers): Sedan/Mini Van $40; Van/Safari(14 passenger capacity) $55; Safari $80. Rates for additional passengers will be negotiated between the taxi operator and passenger(s). Sightseeing Tours: 2 hours – One passenger $50; two or more passengers $25 per person.

Do you tip taxis in St. Thomas?

Tipping is the same as the US or Europe - 15% of your restaurant check, more if service has been exceptional. An extra dollar or two for your taxi driver is fine, more if he/she handles bags or conducts a good island tour. Being thoughtful and considerate is appreciated anywhere in the world.

Are taxis in St Thomas cash only?

Thomas. While many places on island accept major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express), there are many venues which will only accept cash (taxis, ferry terminals, customs docks, and some vendors and restaurants).

Can you get around Virgin Islands without a car?

Public Transportation The Vitran Bus System services various areas of the island and usually runs Monday - Friday. Vitran buses run along Centerline Road. The buses travel from the Cruz Bay ferry dock, through to Coral Bay, Salt Pond Bay and back to Cruz Bay.

Should I bring cash to St Thomas?

Carry Cash Most people worry about carrying cash with them while they're traveling. However, Saint Thomas is definitely a place you'll want to make sure you have cash on hand. Some notable restaurants and shopping venues are cash only, but it's not uncommon for places to not accept plastic.

What is the cheapest way to travel in St. Thomas?

The Virgin Islands public transit system in St. Thomas is called VITRAN. The bus fare is $1, and there are discounted fares for seniors and students with ID.

How expensive are taxis in St Thomas?

Within Town Limits: $55 for 1-4 passengers, (5 or more passengers add $7 for each additional person). Airport to Frenchman's Reef, Limetree or Bolongo: $65 for 1-4 passengers, (5 or more passengers will pay an additional fare each).

What is the etiquette in St. Thomas?

As you are arriving to St. Thomas, keep in mind that local etiquette is to first greet people as you are addressing them with a “Good Morning/Afternoon/Night.” If you are unsure of the time, “Good Day” is always acceptable.

Do taxis prefer cash?

There may be a few reasons why taxi drivers prefer cash payments over card payments. These include: 1. Immediate payment: Cash payments provide immediate payment to the driver without any delay or potential chargebacks, unlike card payments which may be subject to processing times and potential chargebacks.

Why do taxi drivers only take cash?

Being paid with cash means drivers have money ready to pay for ongoing costs such as fuel, repairs and maintenance. While many card transactions can be instant, some can take days to process and the driver has to wait for the money to reach their account. They may also pay a charge for each electronic transaction.