How much does a meal cost in Poland?

How much does a meal cost in Poland? Average Prices in Polish Cities: Lunch at a Restaurant 15-30 PLN ($4 - $8) Meal at a Mid-Range Restaurant 30-50 PLN ($8 - $12) Meal at a High-Range Restaurant: 80-150 PLN ($25 - $45)

Is Poland cheap compared to UK?

The cost of living in Poland is noticeably more affordable than in the UK and in other European countries such as Portugal and Spain. The table below offers insights into the cost of living in Poland compared to UK, as it compares the average prices of various goods and services.

Is it cheap to eat in Poland?

Average Prices in Polish Cities: Lunch at a Restaurant 15-30 PLN ($4 - $8) Meal at a Mid-Range Restaurant 30-50 PLN ($8 - $12) Meal at a High-Range Restaurant: 80-150 PLN ($25 - $45) Local Beer at the Restaurant: 8-12 PLN ($3 - $4)