How much do you tip in Tahiti?

How much do you tip in Tahiti? Traditionally, tipping has been contrary to the Tahitian custom of hospitality. It is neither required nor expected. However, if you receive particularly good service from someone the gesture will be appreciated. Mind you, they may not accept it but you will not be insulting them either.

Is food in Tahiti expensive?

While meal prices in Tahiti can vary, the average cost of food in Tahiti is F5,740 per day. Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in Tahiti should cost around F2,296 per person.

Should I tip hotel shuttle driver?

Remember, tipping is a way to show appreciation for the services provided by hotel shuttle drivers. While there are no hard and fast rules regarding the exact amount to tip, a general guideline is to tip around $1-2 per person for a short ride and $2-5 per person for a longer ride.

How much should you tip a driver to the airport?

A minimum tip of 15% of the rate is an excellent place to start. You should increase this to 20% and 25% for exceptional services, such as your driver helping you carry bags or suitcases, providing you with water during your ride, or waiting for you for a few minutes while you had to run a quick errand, for example.

How much do you tip for luggage hold?

Luggage attendants take your bags from reception up to your room. Whether they carry bags themselves or use a luggage cart, a small tip per bag is the norm. Recommended tip for luggage attendants: $1 per bag.

What is the best currency to bring to Tahiti?

The official currency of Tahiti is the CFP Franc (XPF). It's best to exchange money or use your credit card in Tahiti. If you can't buy some before your trip, the next best options are Australian Dollars (AUD), US Dollars (USD) or Euros (EUR).

What do you tip in French Polynesia?

Compared to the United States where tipping is always expected, regardless of the kind of service you receive, tipping is not required or expected in French Polynesia. It's similar to the culture in France and most places in Europe.

Can you drink tap water in French Polynesia?

Drinking water:
You can drink tap water in Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora and in all the international resorts. It is usually fine in family hotels and in the other islands but we recommend that you ask your hosts for confirmation.

Do you need to tip in Bora Bora?

There is no standard tip amount in Bora Bora.
You can tip whatever you feel is appropriate based on the service you receive, similar to how it works in Europe. Continue reading this guide to find out what is generally considered a good tip for each type of service.

Is Hawaii or Tahiti more expensive?

When talking about costs, it always depends on where you stay and eat and the kind of activities you do. However, in general Hawaii is cheaper than Tahiti. Hawaii has a wider range of accommodations and eateries, with many budget homestays and street food vendors.

What do people in Tahiti eat for breakfast?

Breakfasts in The Islands Of Tahiti
For the breakfast, if you would like to eat like a Polynesian here what you can try: Tahitian or Chinese raw fish, “firi firi” (Tahitian donuts), banana crepes, “pua roti” (roasted porc), coconut flavor bread and Chinese bakeries (chao pao, bouchon, nem, navet).

Do you leave a tip at a resort?

In resort restaurants, tipping approximately $2 to $3 per person is acceptable. In higher-end restaurants, plan on a $5 tip at a minimum. Tip the bartender and pool staff $2 to $3 per interaction and the concierge $5 for services. Tipping shuttle drivers is also customary.

Do you pump your own gas in Tahiti?

Gas is also a little expensive, but luckily, you won't need too much. The gas station attendants pump gas for you in Tahiti!

Do you tip waiters in French Polynesia?

To summarize, tipping in French Polynesia is not required nor expected! Unlike places in Canada and the United States, such as Calgary and San Diego, where servers are heavily reliant on receiving tips to have a livable wage, French Polynesia automatically factors in the cost of their staff's salary in your bill.

Can you tip in US dollars in Tahiti?

You'll certainly want to have some cash on hand for small purchases and the occasional tip. Euros and US Dollars are not widely accepted in the islands; therefore, local currency is best.

How much cash can I bring to French Polynesia?

How much money can I take to French Polynesia? Visitors to French Polynesia are allowed to bring in and out up to French Pacific francs 1,200,000 or €10,000 (around AUD $15,700) equivalent without declaring it. However, any amount over this has to be declared when entering or leaving the country.

What is business etiquette in Tahiti?

Business etiquette in Tahiti is relatively informal. The primary language of trade is French, but English is understood in some business circles, particularly those connected with tourism. Business meetings often start with a handshake and an exchange of business cards.

Can you bargain in Tahiti?

Tipping and bargaining are not expected in French Polynesia, although many of the restaurants in the larger resorts will leave a space on your bill for a tip if you choose to leave one.