How much do Washington State Ferries employees make?
How much do Washington State Ferries employees make? The average salary for Washington State Ferries Warehouse employees is around $75,885 per year, or $36 per hour. The highest earners in the top 75th percentile are paid over $84,591.
How much do Washington State Ferry deckhands make?
The estimated base pay is $22 per hour. The Most Likely Range represents values that exist within the 25th and 75th percentile of all pay data available for this role.
Who is the highest paid on a ship?
- Tugboat Captain. Salary range: $77,500-$118,000 per year. ...
- Marine Superintendent. Salary range: $36,000-$109,000 per year. ...
- Port Captain. Salary range: $62,000-$100,000 per year. ...
- Captain. Salary range: $51,500-$90,000 per year. ...
- Boat Pilot. Salary range: $76,500-$87,000 per year. ...
- Vessel Master.
Do deckhands make a lot of money?
Starting out as a junior, a yacht deckhand salary can be anywhere from $3,000 to $3,5000 per month, with very rare cases reporting to earn over $4,000 per month. However, after a few years working as a deckhand you might expect to take home anything from $3,500 to $4,500 per month.
Can you drink alcohol on Seattle ferry?
Food and vending machines Many ferries have food and drinks in a dining area. You can order food throughout the trip and alcohol up to 15 minutes before arrival. You may also get food from the vending machines.
What is the largest ferry system in Seattle?
Washington State Ferries operates the largest ferry fleet in the United States. 21 ferries cross Puget Sound and its inland waterways, carrying over 23 million passengers.
How much does a boat captain make in Washington state?
The salary range for a Ferry Captain job is from $84,302 to $116,477 per year in Washington.
How much do Seattle ferry drivers make?
The salaries of Ferry Captains in Seattle, WA range from $38,310 to $134,950 , with a median salary of $76,780 . The middle 60% of Ferry Captains makes $76,780, with the top 80% making $134,950.
What is the longest ferry ride in Washington state?
Bremerton is the longest ferry of the three (1 hour vs. 30 min). It not only crosses the sound but winds its way through a passage between islands to get to Bremerton.
Do cruise ship captains get paid a lot?
It's estimated that cruise captains make an average of $96,000 a year. Some may even earn upwards of $200,000 per year while at the other end of the spectrum for small vessels and those newly promoted to the position make approximately $50,000 annually.
Who is the highest paid person on a ship?
It comes as no surprise that the ship's captain has the biggest salary from working on a cruise ship. The master of the vessel has a huge responsibility for ship safety for crew and passengers along with navigation.