How much coal did it take for a steam locomotive to run for an hour?

How much coal did it take for a steam locomotive to run for an hour? This was somewhere around 5,000 pounds of coal per hour. A mechanical substitute for the fireman and shovel had to be found. The tasks that a stoker had to perform were complicated. It had to bring chunks of coal of various sized from the tender through a flexible joint to the engine and into a very hot firebox.

How efficient were steam locomotives?

The efficiency of the steam locomotive has been given as 11 percent and that of the electric locomotive as about 20 percent.

What is the fastest steam locomotive in the world?

Mallard: The world's fastest steam locomotive | National Railway Museum.

Why are steam engines no longer used?

Steam locomotives are no longer used to transport passengers or products because electric and diesel locomotives are faster, more efficient, and easier to maintain. The locomotives that are still running are a piece of history dating back to the 1800's that really put into perspective just how far we've come!

How fast did steam trains go?

The old steam engines were usually run well below 40MPH due to problems with maintaining the tracks-- but could go much faster. I seem to recall a 45 mile run before 1900 in which a locomotive pulled a train at better than 65MPH... (Stanley Steamer cars were known to exceed 75MPH). 3.