How much cash can you bring into Aruba?

How much cash can you bring into Aruba? Travelling with luggage If you enter or leave Aruba with more than AWG. 20,000,- in cash or securities, or the equivalent thereof in foreign currencies, you must notify this to the Customs Department (Departamento di Aduana). You'll need a *MOT form (*Unusual Transactions).

Is it better to use US dollars in Aruba?

The currency on the island is the Aruba Florin. You can exchange U.S. dollars, but it isn't necessary. Using American money in Aruba is common and widely accepted. You may receive Aruba currency as change.

Can you bring US money to Aruba?

US dollars are accepted throughout the Island. Local currency and US dollar ATM machines (Maestro/Cirrus) are situated all over the islands.

Do you have to pay to use the bathroom in Aruba?

While you're out exploring, forgetting to bring dollar bills when you're out can be a big inconvenience, especially when it comes to public restrooms. Unlike the United States, Aruba lacks free restroom facilities, instead, many shops and public restrooms charge $1 per visit.

Should I bring cash or card to Aruba?

Arm Yourself with Small Bills -- Bring a bundle of small bills (if your currency is American dollars) to make for easy tipping and small purchases. There's no need to bring large sums of cash, unless you're planning to make big purchases and prefer not to use a credit card.

Should I carry cash in Aruba?

Arm Yourself with Small Bills -- Bring a bundle of small bills (if your currency is American dollars) to make for easy tipping and small purchases. There's no need to bring large sums of cash, unless you're planning to make big purchases and prefer not to use a credit card.

Should I put cash in my suitcase?

Avoid traveling with large amounts of cash or other forms of money. Always keep your money in a carry-on bag. Your airline will not compensate you if your money is in a checked bag and that bag is lost, stolen, or destroyed. Keep your money and other valuables out of public view.

Is it better to bring euros or use ATM?

European travelers should always have some cash on hand; getting it from an ATM abroad is usually the easiest, most advantageous way. If you need cash from an ATM, it's usually better to use a debit card, because credit cards often charge a high interest rate for a cash advance.

How much cash should you carry when flying?

If you are traveling on an international flight and have more than $10,000 in your possession, you must disclose the amount of U.S. Currency in your possession on a FinCEN 105 form. On a domestic flight, no rule requires you to disclose carrying $10,000 or more on the flight.

Is tipping customary in Aruba?

In Aruba it's not mandatory to tip, but it's your choice if you do so. However, some restaurants and bars add service charge to your bill. Usually, this adds up to about 10 to 15 percent on food and beverages. If you really like the service, you can still tip, of course!

How much cash should I bring to Aruba for a week?

How much money will you need for your trip to Aruba? You should plan to spend around À586 ($325) per day on your vacation in Aruba, which is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors. Past travelers have spent, on average, À122 ($68) on meals for one day and À58 ($32) on local transportation.

Is it safe to drink tap water in Aruba?

Drinking Water There is no need to buy bottled water in Aruba. Aruba's tap water is pure and refreshing, meeting the highest standards of quality of the World Health Organization. Since Aruba does not have any significant natural sources of fresh water, the water is distilled in a saltwater desalination plant.