How much can you make working 8 hours at DoorDash?
How much can you make working 8 hours at DoorDash? As is the case with most side hustles, how much DoorDash drivers make depends on how much they hustle. As a service provider and subcontractor, you'll make your own schedule and work only when you're available. Most DoorDash drivers' average earnings are between $15 and $25 per hour.
How much can you make in 3 hours with DoorDash?
Earnings. As is the case with most side hustles, how much DoorDash drivers make depends on how much they hustle. As a service provider and subcontractor, you'll make your own schedule and work only when you're available. Most DoorDash drivers' average earnings are between $15 and $25 per hour.
How to make $1,000 a week on DoorDash?
To accomplish this, it helps to be a top-performing driver. According to Gridwise numbers, the average salary for a DoorDash driver in the 90th percentile (meaning the top 10% of earners) is $20 an hour. So to make $1,000 a week on a DoorDash driver salary, you need to work 50 hours a week.