How many stairs are up the Eiffel Tower?

How many stairs are up the Eiffel Tower? While the Tower has a total of 1,665 steps from the ground to the top, you can only climb 674 of them, from the ground to the second floor (327, then 347 steps). You cannot take the stairs all the way to the top from the second floor, as this section is not open to the public for safety reasons.

How many stairs to get to the second floor of the Eiffel Tower?

While the Tower has a total of 1,665 steps from the ground to the top, you can only climb 674 of them, from the ground to the second floor (327, then 347 steps).

How long is the elevator ride up the Eiffel Tower?

These elevators take about 5 minutes to get to the top. There is another private lift that is meant for the guests of the Jules Verne restaurant, located on the first floor. And the last lift, located in the South pillar is used by the Eiffel Tower staff.

Can you eat at the top of the Eiffel Tower?

For visitors looking to eat on the go, delicious buffets offer sweet and savory snacks and drinks on the esplanade and on the first and second floors. This mouth-watering offer is complemented by the Pierre Hermé macaron bar on the second floor and the champagne bar at the top.

How long does it take to walk up the stairs to the Eiffel Tower?

There is an observation deck at the top of the tower. A. It takes anywhere between 30 and 45 minutes to walk up the Eiffel Tower stairs, and about 20 minutes to walk down the stairs.

What is the fastest time to climb the Eiffel Tower?

How long does it take to climb a 276-meter difference in altitude? The fastest climb it in less than 10 minutes! The speed records are presently held by Polish runner Piotr Lobodzinski, at 7'48''77 for the men (set in 2016) and by Australian runner Suzy Walsham, at 9'34''75 for the women (set in 2017).

What is on floor 2 of the Eiffel Tower?

In addition to a stunning observation deck, the second floor is also home to the Eiffel Tower's Michelin star Le Jules Verne restaurant.

How long do you stay at the top of the Eiffel Tower?

It is advisable to plan a visiting time of at least 1 1/2 hours for visit to the 1st and 2nd floors and 2 1/2 hours for a visit to the top.

How much does it cost to light up the Eiffel Tower?

The monument certainly keeps the meter whirring; each year it costs £963,600, or approximately $1.12 million. Each day, that's a bill of £2,640, or $3,074. All told, the tower has a total of 20,000 light bulbs lining the frame, and it takes about 22 megawatts of electricity per day to run.

How long can you stay on 2nd floor of Eiffel Tower?

Visiting time to the Eiffel Tower is not limited. However we recommend that you plan sufficient visiting time at the end of the evening (i.e. around 1 1/2 hours for a visit to the 2nd floor and 1st floor and 2 1/2 hours for a full visit up to the top).

How much is the Eiffel Tower worth?

It is made of lattice-shaped wrought iron with 20,000 lights. The Eiffel Tower was built for $1.5M in 1889. If we inflation adjust this original cost using CPI, we get $44M. According to a 2012 study by the Chamber of Commerce of Monza and Brianza in northern Italy, it is worth $510 billion.

Can you go to the third floor of the Eiffel Tower?

The third and final floor, accessible only by lift, welcomes visitors at an altitude of 276 metres. Again, telescopes are available to appreciate the stunning views of Paris.

How many steps are in a floor?

Stair steps are typically eight (7) inches high. Ten feet is a good estimate for the height of a building floor. So going up one floor requires about 21 steps. If you want to climb to the top of an eight (8) story building, a good estimate is that you are going to have to climb 21 time 8 or 168 steps.

What are 5 facts about the Eiffel Tower?

What Are the 11 Most Interesting Facts About the Eiffel Tower?
  • It Was Designed by Gustave Eiffel. ...
  • It Took 22 Months to Complete. ...
  • The Eiffel Tower Is Made of Iron. ...
  • The Eiffel Tower Has Three Floors. ...
  • It's as heavy as an Entire Freight Train. ...
  • The Eiffel Tower Has to be Repainted Every 7 Years.

Is it hard to climb the Eiffel Tower?

It might sound hard, but climbing the tower is easier than you'd think. Gustave Eiffel also believed climbing was the best way to experience his creation (and he should know). Plus, it makes for a once-in-a-lifetime experience that many travelers can't stop talking about.

Can you just go to the first floor of the Eiffel Tower?

A. Yes. You can buy skip the line tickets to get to the first floor of the Eiffel Tower. You can book your tickets here.

Is it worth going to the top of the Eiffel Tower or just the second floor?

From the 2nd floor you take another lift which takes you to the top of the Tower. We strongly recommend a visit to the 1st floor where there is a great visitor experience with cultural and entertaining displays to deepen and enhance your experience at the Eiffel Tower.

Is it better to see the Eiffel Tower at night or daylight?

You needn't ascend the Tower twice, but you'll definitely want to see it at 10 p.m. when the lights sparkle. A good time to ascend the Tower is shortly before twilight, so you can experience it at sunset and also after dark.

Can you walk under the Eiffel Tower?

Can you walk beneath the Eiffel Tower without paying for a ticket? Yes. The Eiffel Tower gardens and esplanade are fully accessible without a ticket, i.e. for free.

Is it free to climb the stairs of the Eiffel Tower?

What ticket do you need to take the stairs? Climbing the stairs is the most budget-friendly way to visit the Tower! You can purchase stair-access tickets to the second floor for €10.70 for adults and €5.40 for 12-24 year-olds.