How many people live on Fire Island year round?
How many people live on Fire Island year round? Fire Island facts Population: 293 year-round, according to 2019 Census for Fire Island CDP, and about 14,840 at the peak season, about 60 times the year-round population, according to the Suffolk County Division of Planning and Environment.
Who owns Fire Island?
Cook Inlet Region Inc., which owns most of Fire Island and is owned by Alaska Native shareholders from much of Southcentral Alaska, built the $65 million project a decade ago.
Is Fire Island cash only?
There are ATMs on the island, and all of the venues usually accept credit cards, though on occasion (like the 4th of July, for example) the bars go to cash only.
Can you live full time on Fire Island?
Yes. While the vast majority of homeowners are summer residents only, there is a growing year round community on Fire Island.