How many people have died in the Blue Hole in New Mexico?

How many people have died in the Blue Hole in New Mexico? The Santa Rosa Blue Hole in New Mexico is one of the region's most popular tourist attractions, but the cave system at the bottom of the hole has been sealed off since 1976 following the deaths of two divers.

What is the most famous Blue Hole in the world?

Believed to be the world's largest feature of its kind, the Great Blue Hole is part of the larger Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, a World Heritage site of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

How deep is Blue Hole?

The hole is perfectly circular in shape, over 300 meters (1000 ft) across, 3140 feet circumference and 125 meters (410 ft) deep. It was formed as a limestone cave system during the last glacial period when the sea level was 400 to 500 feet below present time and was dry land.

What did divers find at the bottom of the blue hole?

Divers found debris and human corpses during an expedition to the Great Blue Hole off the coast of Belize. Divers reached the bottom of Belize's iconic Great Blue Hole – only to discover that the pristine natural wonder isn't so pristine after all and is actually full of disturbing debris.

How deep is Blue Hole ok?

The main big swimming hole when you first enter the park is absolutely deep enough to swim in. Divers have reportedly measured some spots as deep as 20 feet. But it's so freezing cold, between 50-60 degrees in the midst of summer, that you won't want to stay shoulder-deep for long.