How many months in advance should I book a flight to Europe?

How many months in advance should I book a flight to Europe? According to a study conducted by Expedia, data shows that you want to book at least six months in advance for international travel. The study found you'll save an average of 10% by booking six months in advance instead of two months or less.

How far out should I book international flights?

Best Time To Book International Flights According to a study conducted by Expedia, data shows that you want to book at least six months in advance for international travel. The study found you'll save an average of 10% by booking six months in advance instead of two months or less.

Will flight prices to Europe go down in 2023?

As a result, summer 2023 is the most expensive time on record to travel to Europe, Hopper said. The average ticket costs about $1,200, eclipsing the previous high in 2018 by $50 a ticket. In Asia, the No. 2 most-popular destination for Americans, average prices are 64% higher than pre-pandemic levels, Berg said.

How many months in advance should you plan an international trip?

Time your booking right “For international flights — [it's] four to 10 months.” If you're traveling during an off-peak season, you're going to want to look at airfares one to three months in advance for domestic flights, and two to eight months ahead of the flight for international trips.

Why are flights to Europe so expensive in 2023?

It mostly comes down to supply and demand. Demand is contributing to higher prices as travel continues to surge post-pandemic, Berg said. Sustained strong demand in 2023 continues to put additional pressure on prices, especially to and within regions where travel has only recently reopened like parts of Asia.

What day is cheapest to book international flights?

While the cheapest day to actually pay for airfare can vary from one week to the next, Expedia data shows consumers who book airfare on Sundays instead of Fridays tend to save approximately 5 percent on domestic flights and 15 percent on international airfare.

Do airfares drop on Tuesdays?

Average domestic airfare price by day The cheapest days to depart if you're flying within the U.S. are midweek — generally Tuesday or Wednesday. For economy tickets, Tuesdays are about 24% lower than peak prices on Sundays, which translates to savings of about $85 per ticket.

Is it cheaper to book international flights 6 months in advance?

For international trips, you generally need to book further ahead of time: Start gauging these flight prices six to seven months in advance while planning on booking three to five months in advance. When you're traveling internationally, planning ahead is key to getting the cheapest airfare, Berg said.

What months are international flights most expensive?

Winter: Travel around the Christmas and New Year holidays will usually cost more no matter what; otherwise, winter can be an affordable time to travel. For non-holiday travel, aim to buy plane tickets 94 days in advance.

Will international flight prices go down in 2023?

Domestic airline prices are on the decline in 2023, finally retreating after spiking just a year ago. International fares are still high. After soaring in 2022, prices for domestic airline tickets are on the descent.

What are the cheapest months to fly in 2023?

The cheapest months to travel are:
  • November – early December.
  • Late January – March.

Is 6 months too far in advance to book a flight?

Generally, you should book domestic flights one to four months in advance. For international flights, you should book at least six months in advance. You'll want to give yourself more time for research for the latter than when traveling on domestic itineraries.

What is the cheapest month to buy flights to Europe?

The late fall and winter months—from mid to late October through mid-to-late March—are often the cheapest time to fly to Europe (though fares can spike in December).

Is it too soon to book a trip 3 months in advance?

It's smart to start your search 6-12 months in advance and buy at least 2-3 months in advance. You probably won't find the best deal a year in advance. But when you start searching that early, you learn what a typical fare to your destination looks like and you'll know a good price when you see it.

Is 4 months too early to book a flight?

Generally, you should book domestic flights one to four months in advance. For international flights, you should book at least six months in advance. You'll want to give yourself more time for research for the latter than when traveling on domestic itineraries.

How far in advance should I book a flight to Europe to get the best deal?

Airfares flex like crazy, but in general it's wise to start looking for international flights at least four to six months before your trip, especially for travel in spring, summer, or fall.

How far in advance to book international flights 2023?

“For international flights — [it's] four to 10 months.” If you're traveling during an off-peak season, you're going to want to look at airfares one to three months in advance for domestic flights, and two to eight months ahead of the flight for international trips.

How far in advance should I book a flight to get the best deal?

When to Book Flights for Domestic Travel. According to a 2022 study by, on average, the best time to purchase plane tickets for a domestic trip is about 76 days before your departure date. Keep in mind that this is an average — it doesn't mean you should log on exactly 76 days before travel.

Do flights get cheaper 6 weeks out?

A new study says the cheapest domestic airfares can be booked six weeks before a flight. The typical savings is 6 percent off the overall average ticket price during the four months prior to departure.