How many memorials are on the National Mall?

How many memorials are on the National Mall? National Mall and Memorial Parks includes more than a dozen units of the National Park System & more than 100 unique monuments & memorials.

What has more than 65 monuments and memorials?

In addition to the World War II Memorial, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial, Thomas Jefferson Memorial and Ford's Theatre, the National Mall & Memorial Parks includes more than 65 lesser known monuments and memorials.

Which president was buried at the Washington National Cathedral?

In the late 1800s, Congress approved the building of the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Construction began in 1907, but was not completed until 1990. One president, Woodrow Wilson, is buried in the National Cathedral.

Why is the Washington Monument 555 feet tall?

Rather than ascend to 600 feet as Mills had intended in the original plan, Casey was persuaded to make the height of the structure ten times the width of the base, meaning the optimal height for the Washington Monument was 555 feet.