How many Make-A-Wish kids go to Disney?
How many Make-A-Wish kids go to Disney? Since 1980, Disney and Make-A-Wish have granted wishes for more than 150,000 children with critical illnesses worldwide. In fact, historically, one out of every two wishes granted in the U.S. has been a Disney wish.
How many Make-A-Wish can a child get?
Make-A-Wish strives to grant wishes to as many eligible children as possible. Only one wish is granted per child.
What diseases qualify for Make-A-Wish?
*Critical illnesses include, but are not restricted to: childhood cancers, certain types of muscular dystrophy, certain neurological or genetic diseases, cardiac disorders, renal failure and traumatic injuries. Please speak with us or contact your doctor for more information.
Can you be a Make-A-Wish kid twice?
Can a child receive more than one wish? No, Make-A-Wish International grants one wish to each eligible child.
How much does Make-A-Wish spend on each kid?
The child's immediate family is always included in all aspects of the child's wish. The total cost of wishes varies widely. However, the average cost of one wish is nearing $9,000. Make-A-Wish Foundation covers all expenses associated with a wish.