How many hours a month do new flight attendants work?

How many hours a month do new flight attendants work? Flight attendants do not have an average work schedule. They can expect to spend 65 to 90 hours in the air per month, and an additional 50 hours per month preparing the airplane, processing passengers during boarding, and performing post-flight procedures.

Can flight attendants choose their base?

Flight attendants can typically choose the home base airport they report to, so you might consider researching which cities offer the highest flight attendant salaries on average.

How many hours do new flight attendants work?

Most attendants are usually limited to working 12 hours shifts but some are allowed to work 14 hour shifts. Those working on international flights are usually permitted to work longer shifts. Attendants usually spend 65-90 hours in the air and 50 hours preparing planes for passengers monthly.

Do flight attendants spend a lot of time away from home?

The amount of time spent away from home varies depending on the airline you work for, and whether you're working on short or long-haul flights. In short-haul you'll typically be back within the same day while long-haul flights will require nights spent away from home.

What is the average age of new flight attendants?

The minimum age requirement for flight attendants is 21. There are some airlines that are more lenient when it comes to age requirements, but they are typically regional or smaller carriers. For the major airlines, the average age limit for flight attendants is between 27 and 32 years old.

Do flight attendants get their own hotel room?

Flight Attendants and Pilots Do Share the Same Hotel, But Do Not Share a Room. The cabin crew team and pilots normally take a company-hired bus to reach their hotel and the team check-in separately. They sleep together in the same hotel, but they have their own separate rooms, and they usually don't share.

Do flight attendants have to clean toilets?

One of the most common questions is “Do you clean the toilets?” The answer is yes, but only basic cleaning such as wiping the surfaces. If there are some major issues inside the airplane lavatory, then it is the job of the cleaning crew that comes in after the flight to take care of it.

Do flight attendants get paid every 2 weeks?

Flight Attendants get paid monthly. Usually you will make around $1,600 a month.

How long do flight attendants rest between flights?

Crew members are required to have a 10-hour rest period within each 24-hour cycle. The maximum duty day is 14 hours and must be followed by a 10-hour rest period at their hotel. When scheduling a flight, operators usually account for 12 hours of rest instead of 10.

Do flight attendants get to sleep on long flights?

Crew require a minimum of three hours rest when the flight duty period exceeds 14 hours (from when crew 'sign on' to 15 minutes after engines off). For flight duty periods longer than 18 hours, 4.5 hours bunk rest is required. The crew take turns for rest breaks.

Do flight attendants get free food?

Not only are in-flight snacks and meals provided, but many companies also reimburse crew members for outside food expenses during travel. When flight attendants land in one city and have time before their next flight, they can explore local restaurants and try new food for free.

How long are flight attendants away from family?

Flight Attendants who fly international and long-haul flights will regularly have overnight layovers in the cities they fly to, meaning they can often be away for 3 or 4 nights at a time. If your partner is an International Flight Attendant, expect them to be away at least half the week.

What is a flight attendants schedule like?

Work Schedules
Flight attendants may have variable schedules, and part-time work is common. They often work nights, weekends, and holidays because airlines operate every day and have overnight flights. They may spend several nights per week or per month away from home.

Do flight attendants have to wear heels?

While many airlines still require female flight attendants to wear high heels as part of their uniform, there is no industry-wide requirement for this footwear. In recent years, some airlines have relaxed their dress codes to allow more comfortable shoes, such as sneakers or flats.

Do flight attendants sleep in the same room?

Well, they sleep in special sleeping compartments on their aircraft. These are typically located behind the cockpit. They usually have small beds with seat belts. These compartments are accessed through a hidden stairway or ladder.

How flexible is being a flight attendant?

A flight attendant can work various hours that require flexibility because they often change from month to month. Flight attendants may work nights, weekends and holidays while they travel the country or the world.

How long do flight attendants stay in one place?

Two-day trip: For these flights, attendants complete one leg, or flight, in one day, have a layover, then return the following day. Most airlines complete three flights per day with layovers anywhere from 10 to 24 hours long, though longer layovers may extend into a three-day stay.

Do flight attendants get paid for layovers?

The flight attendant will continue to accrue per diem even after the flight arrives at a layover and the flight attendant has checked into their hotel room for the night.

Do flight attendants work 12 hour shifts?

Flight attendants generally work 12 to 14-hour shifts.

Do flight attendants return home every night?

They often work nights, weekends, and holidays because airlines operate every day and have overnight flights. They may spend several nights per week or per month away from home. In most cases, a contract between the airline and the flight attendant union determines the total daily and monthly workable hours.