How many gallons per hour does a 747 use?

How many gallons per hour does a 747 use? A plane like a Boeing 747 uses approximately 1 gallon (about 4 liters) of fuel every second. Over the course of a 10-hour flight, it might burn 36,000 gallons (150,000 liters). The 747 burns approximately 5 gallons of fuel per mile (12 liters of fuel per kilometer).

How far can a 747 fly with a full tank of fuel?

A modern Boeing 747 can fly about 15,000 km (9,500 miles) when it's flying at 900 kmh (550 mph). This means it can fly non stop for almost 16 hours!

How long can a Boeing 747 stay in the air?

A modern Boeing 747 can fly about 15,000 km (9,500 miles) when it's flying at 900 kmh (550 mph). This means it can fly non stop for almost 16 hours!

How much does an F-35 cost per flight hour?

42,000 $ per flight hour for the F-35: operating costs are not improving. The GAO published a report in November on 49 aircraft used within the Department of Defense.

How much profit does an airline make per flight?

Next time you board a flight, just imagine you're putting a $20 bill in the airline's tip jar. Profit per passenger at the seven largest U.S. airlines averaged $19.65 over the past four years—record-setting profitable years for airlines. In 2017, it stood at $17.75, based on airline earnings reports.

How much fuel does a 747 use in 1 hour?

A Boeing 747 or 777 typically consumes approximately 5,000 gallons of fuel per hour while in flight. The cost of that fuel for the airline depends on a variety of factors such as current market prices and the type of jet fuel being used.

How much fuel does a 747 burn at cruise?

The four engines of the Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet burn approximately 10 to 11 tonnes of fuel an hour when in the cruise. This equates to roughly 1 gallon (approximately 4 litres) of fuel every second.

How much fuel does a 747 burn during taxi?

But it's much more than a time waste. It's also a big source of carbon emissions. The average taxi time in the U.S. is between 16 and 27 minutes, which accounts for about 5% of a flight's fuel consumption. A Boeing 747, for example, uses 1 ton of fuel during a 15-minute taxi.

How long can a 747 fly with one engine?

This has been made possible through advancements in the durability and reliability of jet engines - allowing most aircraft to operate with only one engine for around three hours to get to the nearest airport.

How much fuel does a 747 burn per hour gallons?

The four engines of the Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet burn approximately 10 to 11 tonnes of fuel an hour when in the cruise. This equates to roughly 1 gallon (approximately 4 litres) of fuel every second. It can carry a maximum of 238,604 liters of fuel and it has a range of about 7,790 nautical miles.

How much does fuel cost per hour for a 747 8?

The Boeing 747-8I/F burns ~8.83t per hour or about 10,114 L/hr at 929 km/hr @ 32,000 ft. That's a fuel cost of about $7,150.00 per hour or approximately $15.31 per seat per hour. Boeing states the total operating cost is closer to $13,450.00 per hour or about $28.80 per seat per hour.

How much does a windshield of a Boeing 747 cost?

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How fast can a 747 dump fuel?

As a rule of thumb for the Boeing 747, pilots either quote dump rates ranging within 1–2 tons per minute or reference a thumb formula of dump time = (dump weight / 2) + 5 in minutes.

Do airlines pay to fly over countries?

Airlines pay a fee to fly over other countries. They're called overflight fees. Just as countries have rights to their land, they have rights to the air above them. Most countries rent that airspace to foreign airlines, allowing them to fly through it.

Where does a Boeing 747 store its fuel?

There are four main fuel tanks in the wings, a tail plane tank, a center wing tank, and reserve fuel tanks in the outer wing sections. The maximum fuel capacity is 216,846 L (57,284 gal.).

How much is a 747 plane worth?

Hundreds of millions brand new? According to Boeing's current list prices, a brand new 747-8 would be worth $418.4 million, while its freighter sister is listed slightly higher at $419.2 million.

What does a gallon of jet fuel cost?

The cost of fueling your private jet can vary significantly. For example, on May 11, 2022, the IATA per gallon price was $4.82 in North America, $4.01 in Europe, and $3.55 in Asia. At Boston's Hanscomb Field Jet A was selling between $9.79 and $13.38 per gallon.

Why is the 747 being discontinued?

But after five decades, customer demand for the 747 eroded as Boeing and Airbus (AIR.PA) developed more fuel efficient two-engine widebody planes. When Boeing confirmed in July 2020 that it would end 747 production, it was already only producing at a rate of half an aircraft a month.

How long can a 747 fly without engines?

How long can a 747 fly without engines? For example, with a glide ratio of 15:1, a Boeing 747-200 can glide for 150 kilometres (93 mi; 81 nmi) from a cruising altitude of 10,000 metres (33,000 ft).