How many G-forces is Mach 10?

How many G-forces is Mach 10? The speed at which Maverick flies the Darkstar in Top Gun: Maverick is Mach 10, which would subject him to approximately 34 G-force, rendering it practically impossible for a human to survive such forces as it would severely damage their body from the inside.

Is Mach 10 survivable?

At the altitude at which a Mach 10 hypersonic aircraft would be flying, the ejection would be very survivable, the reentry into the atmosphere in just a pressure suit, not so much.

What does 9 gs feel like?

Under 9 g, you're going to have a very hard time moving your head sideways or backwards, seeing as it feels nine times as heavy as it actually is. When a passenger aircraft takes off and we are suddenly stuck to our seat – that's a force equaling approximately 2 g. Rollercoasters usually only go as far as 4 g.

Is it illegal to go Mach 1?

Currently, U.S. law prohibits flight in excess of Mach 1 over land unless specifically authorized by the FAA for purposes stated in the regulations. The two supersonic rulemaking activities would not rescind the prohibition of flight in excess of Mach 1 over land.

Can a pilot pull 10 gs?

While commercial flights exert only very minimal positive and negative G-forces on passengers, several orders of magnitude greater are the G-forces experienced by astronauts, fighter pilots and stunt pilots. These types of pilots can experience brief periods of extreme forces of nine and 10 Gs.