How many feet away should a car stop from the nearest rail of a railroad crossing?
How many feet away should a car stop from the nearest rail of a railroad crossing? Stop at least 20 feet, but no more than 50 feet, from the nearest track. Always stop if you see a train coming or you hear the whistle, horn, or bell of an approaching train. Never go under lowering gates or around lowered gates. Flashing red warning lights indicate you must stop and wait.
What distance should drivers stop no closer than from a railroad crossing?
Stop, look and listen – Stop no closer than 15 feet and no farther than 50 feet from the crossing. Open windows and doors, look both ways carefully and look and listen for a train.
How far should you stop your vehicle away from the nearest railroad track?
Stop at least 15 feet, but not more than 50 feet, from nearest rail. Look both ways and listen carefully. Bend forward to see around mirrors and A-pillars.
What is the closest distance to stop from the nearest rail at a railroad track?
Driver Traffic Laws on the Tracks Whenever any person driving a vehicle approaches a railroad grade crossing and signals indicate an approaching train, the driver of such vehicle shall stop within fifteen feet from the nearest rail of such railroad and shall not proceed until he can do so safely.
How many feet must you stop from the nearest railroad crossing?
Except in cities or towns, whenever any person driving a vehicle approaches a railroad grade crossing under any of the circumstances stated in this section, the driver of the vehicle shall stop within 50 feet but not less than 15 feet from the nearest rail of such railroad, and shall not proceed until he can do so ...
How many feet should you be from the railroad tracks?
Freight and Commuter Trains Don't stop on the tracks. Make sure you have room to get across. Once you enter the crossing, keep moving. Stop 15 feet away from flashing red lights, lowered gates, a signaling flagman or a stop sign.
What is the common distance between the rails of a railroad track?
The US standard railroad gauge is 4 feet, 8.5 inches (Gauge means width between the two rails).
How close is too close to a railroad?
Fact #7: Trains Are Bigger than Tracks People may think they can stand alongside tracks and be safe from a train, but the truth is trains are wider than the tracks. A train can extend three or more feet on either side of the steel rail, so the safe zone for pedestrians is well beyond three feet on either side.
How much distance should you keep between your vehicle and the railroad tracks if you must stop at a railroad crossing in Indiana?
shall, before crossing at grade a track of a railroad, stop the vehicle not more than fifty (50) feet and not less than fifteen (15) feet from the nearest rail of the railroad.