How many days should you spend at each Disney park?

How many days should you spend at each Disney park? We would recommend you plan for at least six full days if you are trying to see Disney World and Universal Studios Orlando. This would allow you one full day at each four of the Disney theme parks and two full days at Universal Orlando.

How many days do you really need at Disney?

Most Common Trip Length – 4 or 5 Days: This trip length works well for most people because you can visit all four Disney World theme parks, even possibly enjoy a second day at a favorite park, and it fits within most people's work vacation limits.

Is Magic Kingdom a 2 day park?

Magic Kingdom has the most attractions of any park. You can see and do a lot in 1 day, but for an even more relaxed experience, 2 days will be better.

Is Epcot worth spending a day at?

In general, you should think of Epcot as a two-day park. There's so much to see and do that you really need a couple of days to enjoy everything without feeling like you're rushing through the park. But we recognize that most people can't or won't give two of their precious days at Disney to Epcot.

Which Disney World park needs 2 days?

How many days do you need for each Disney park?
  • Magic Kingdom: Two Days.
  • EPCOT: Two Days (Festival included)
  • Hollywood Studios: One Day.
  • Animal Kingdom: One Day.

Is Animal Kingdom worth a full day?

Full day park if you want to do everything & savor it. With good crowds, and doing almost everything, Animal Kingdom is like a 85% of your day park. Magic Kingdom is like a day and a half park.

Which Disney park takes the least time?

As a general matter, Animal Kingdom is the park that requires the least strategy and is the easiest place to beat the crowds in all of Walt Disney World. It doesn't require Genie+ or Individual Lightning Lanes, and is pretty easy to knock out everything–and then some–if you stay for a full day.

Can you do Epcot and Animal Kingdom in one day?

EPCOT is one of the biggest parks of all and takes a whole day easy. The illuminations at 9pm is worth staying for. AK is also fairly large. The up and down is, you could do it, you will lose around 1 to 2 hours going between parks and you probably wont see 50% of what both parks offer.

Is Epcot a full day park?

EPCOT is arguably the least family-friendly park at Walt Disney World, so you may not need more than a few hours to do everything of interest if you have small children. With that said, a full day at EPCOT is highly recommended for first-timers.

How many days should you spend in Disney World?

Most Common Trip Length – 4 or 5 Days: This trip length works well for most people because you can visit all four Disney World theme parks, even possibly enjoy a second day at a favorite park, and it fits within most people's work vacation limits.

Is Hollywood Studios a 2 day park?

Although there are a number of time-consuming stage shows without much repeatability, we usually do an entire day at Disney's Hollywood Studios even as WDW diehards. DHS is most definitely a full-day park, just to be clear.

Is Animal Kingdom a 1 or 2 day park?

Consequently, you can spend a full day in Animal Kingdom if you pace yourself to avoid the aforementioned animal fatigue. Nevertheless, Animal Kingdom is the easiest park to accomplish in a partial day; you can either arrive early or stay late at Animal Kingdom and do the entire park with relative ease.

Which Disney park takes the longest?

Definitely Magic Kingdom. The only caveat to that is if ROTR is a must-do for you, you might want to build in some flexibility to park hop as necessary - that way if your DHS day is a bad ROTR day, you'd have some flexibility to go back in the morning, maybe on your Epcot day for example.

Is 3 days at Disney World too much?

Conventional wisdom says that you should spend a full day in each of the four theme parks, which would mean that you should spend no fewer than 4 days at Walt Disney World. This is our standard minimum recommendation–we usually advise doing at least 5 days at Walt Disney World, or even more if possible.

Can you do all 4 Disney parks in 1 day?

The fast pass version isn't as good as the regular version. Be sure to try both. So yes, it's entirely possible to visit four Disney parks in one day, even with kids in tow.

What are the slowest days for Magic Kingdom?

Magic Kingdom Sometimes, Fridays are even busier than Saturdays! But if you want that lower-crowd experience, just swap your Magic Kingdom park day to a Tuesday. Since it's toward the middle of the week, it tends to be less busy and you might be able to hop on your favorite rides with shorter wait times.

How many Disney parks can you hop in one day?

In Disney World, the standard Park Hopper Option allows you to visit more than one theme park on the same day. This means that you can enter up to four parks on the same day, as long as you abide by the current park hopper rules.

What day is least crowded at Magic Kingdom?

As you can guess if Monday is the busiest, Tuesday tends to be the best day of the week to go to Magic Kingdom. We also find Thursday to be one of the least busy days of the week at Magic Kingdom, with Sunday being a great weekend option.

Can you do all 4 Disney parks in 2 days?

You can absolutely do this, but you won't get to go on most of the good rides. Animal kingdom is only a half day park anyway, so start there and then do Magic Kingdom after. For the next day I'd start early in HS and then take the sky ride thing over to EPCOT.

Is EPCOT free after 7pm?

The Disney After Hours at EPCOT event takes place from 10.00pm to 1.00am. You can get a head start on the fun by entering EPCOT at 7.00pm. You do not need a Disney park reservation or additional ticket to enter EPCOT after 7.00pm.

How long do you need at Animal Kingdom?

Some Guests feel that Disney's Animal Kingdom park is a half-day park. But you and I know that those naysayers are incorrect! With so much to do and see throughout the park, my family and I always plan to spend an entire day at Disney's Animal Kingdom. It also happens to be our favorite of the four Theme Parks.