How many days do you need in Edinburgh?

How many days do you need in Edinburgh? How long should you spend in Edinburgh? Two days in Edinburgh is the ideal amount of time to see the main city highlights. If you want a more relaxed visit, that includes a few museums or specialty tours, then I would recommend at least three days or more.

Is 2 days enough for Glasgow?

There's enough to do to keep you busy and have plenty of options for things to do and places to eat, but it's not so big and busy you're ever going to feel overwhelmed. Glasgow is also a very walkable city so you can get around easily and see a lot in a short space of time.

Is Edinburgh walkable?

Edinburgh, Scotland Split into two distinct halves, Edinburgh is one of the most walkable cities around.

Is Edinburgh the prettiest city in the world?

Edinburgh has been named among the '25 Most Beautiful Cities in the World' by a renowned US travel magazine. New York-based Travel + Leisure, which has nearly five million monthly readers, included Scotland's capital in its 'by-no-means exhaustive list' of the world's most beautiful cities.

Can you walk around Edinburgh in a day?

Within Edinburgh's medieval Old Town and neoclassical New Town, there's so much to experience. If you only have a day in the city, don't despair: The city is big enough to keep you entertained but compact enough that you can explore almost everything on foot.

How much time do you need for Edinburgh Castle?

You should set aside at least 2 hours to see the main attractions at Edinburgh Castle. Opening times for the independent museums at the castle may vary. The castle is closed on 25 and 26 December.

Is Edinburgh Castle free to walk around?

No, you cannot walk around Edinburgh Castle freely without paying anything. Edinburgh Castle is a popular tourist attraction and visitors must pay an entrance fee to access the castle and its grounds.

Is 3 days too much in Edinburgh?

3 days in Edinburgh should give you enough time to almost everything in the city and maybe a few places beyond too. It's a tight schedule, so if you're wondering how many days in Edinburgh you'll need, three is the absolute minimum. One thing you should do before you go is to purchase an Edinburgh City Pass.