How many countries can you visit with an Interrail pass?

How many countries can you visit with an Interrail pass? Interrail is an all-in-one Pass that lets you explore 33 countries by train. Hop on and off as many trains as you like simply by showing your Interrail Pass on your phone – it's the most flexible way to explore Europe.

What is the cheapest way to Interrail around Europe?

One of the most budget-friendly ways to see Europe is by using an Interrail train Pass. With a single Pass you can hop on and off many of Europe's trains. Costs of accommodation, food and entertainment do vary between countries, but there are many ways to enjoy a low-cost trip.

What is the Interrail day rule?

When travelling on a night train that leaves on one day and arrives the next, you only have to spend 1 travel day: the day of departure (however, keep in mind that the arrival day of the night train needs to fall within the validity of your Pass).

What is the Interrail overnight rule?

If you're travelling on a night train that arrives at your destination after midnight, your journey will show on the ticket of the travel day of your departure. This is the ticket you need to show to the ticket inspector, even if it's past midnight.

Is 3 weeks enough for interrailing?

Three weeks is the perfect length of time for a first-time Interrailing adventure. Not only will you have plenty of time to travel between different countries and cities, but also to really experience the best bits of each place you visit.

Is there a sleeper train from Berlin to Amsterdam?

European Sleeper is a night train between Brussels, Amsterdam and Berlin. With one change in Berlin you can travel onwards to Prague and Warsaw. From 2024 the European Sleeper will be extended to Dresden and Prague.

What is the 7pm rule?

Here's how the 7pm rule works If your overnight train is leaving after 7pm then you can put in the following day's date on your rail pass and use one rather than two days of travel for the overnight trip. Simple!

Can you visit 100 countries?

Almost anyone with a powerful passport and their health can visit 100 countries if they have enough money to do so. There are 100 safe countries in the world. There are 100 countries that are easy to get to.