How long was the Bay Bridge closed after the 1989 earthquake?

How long was the Bay Bridge closed after the 1989 earthquake? During the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, a portion of the eastern section's upper deck collapsed onto the lower deck and the bridge was closed for a month.

How long did it take to repair the Bay Bridge after the 1989 earthquake?

In the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, one section of the upper deck of the Bay Bridge's eastern span collapsed onto the lower deck. The bridge was closed for repairs for a month.

What would happen if a tsunami hit the Golden Gate Bridge?

In Ward's simulations, the wave reaches a maximum height of about 30 feet. “That's barely to the top the pylon,” says Ward, who is confident that the bridge would have no trouble withstanding the wave energy. “It probably wouldn't even touch the steel.”