How long should a bra last?

How long should a bra last? Even with gentle usage and care, all bras will lose their shape over time as the elastic fibres in the band and straps begins to deteriorate. It's generally recommended that a bra should last anywhere between 6-9 months, although we think that with good care your bras should last a lot longer.

What happens when you wear the same bra for too long?

If you wear the same bra for too long, the particles will build up quickly on the bra. As particles build-up, they break down your bra's fabric and elastic. However, by rotating your bras every day different bras can be worn without one bra getting too dirty too quickly.

Is it safe to wear 2 bras at once?

But what worries me more is that I've heard that doing that is unhealthy for your breasts. Is that true? Luckily, there are no health issues associated with wearing two bras, but it can be uncomfortable.