How long of a hike is the Narrows?
How long of a hike is the Narrows? Suitable for most hikers, the Narrows Bottom-Up hike can be as much as a 10-mile round-trip or as little as the 2-mile round-trip of the paved Riverside Walk. To see Wall Street, hikers must travel a minimum of 6 miles round-trip, 4 miles of which is in and along the Virgin River.
Can you hike the Narrows without getting wet?
A hike through The Narrows requires hiking in the Virgin River. You must get your feet wet since there is no trail. Most people choose to start their hike from the Temple of Sinawava via the Riverside Walk and then walk upstream before turning around and hiking back down to the Temple of Sinawava.
Can you wear shorts in the Narrows?
Layers: The temperatures in the Zion Narrows can be much cooler than the rest of the park. In fact, we were surprisingly cold during most of the hike. Your bottoms are definitely going to get wet so we recommend wearing shorts or a bathing suit on the bottom.
Can you hike the Narrows in one day?
Plan Ahead and Prepare. Sixteen mile trips through the Virgin River Narrows, from Chamberlain's Ranch to the Temple of Sinawava, can be done as a very long single-day hiking trip, or as a single overnight backpacking trip.
Can beginners hike the Narrows?
Can a Beginner do the Zion Narrows Day Hike? Yes, beginner hikers can absolutely do the Zion Narrows day hike! Even if you don't have much hiking experience, you will be perfectly fine hiking the Narrows.
How long does it take to get through the Narrows?
There are also parts of The Narrows where it's deep enough to swim, but we won't be going that far on this trip. The Narrows is 16 miles long and can take up to 12 hours. However, most people do not go that far.
How often do the Narrows close?
Seasonally the Narrows may close due to floods or snowmelt. When the water is above 150 CFS the Park closes the narrows for up to 24 hours until it falls below 150 CFS.
How deep is the water in the Narrows?
Even at 50 cfs, the water can be up to 5 feet deep in some places, so time your hike for days when the water level is below 50 cfs if you can. Also, check at the visitor center about the possibility of flash-flooding. If there's even a remote chance of flash-flooding, DO NOT HIKE THE NARROWS.
Can you swim in the Narrows?
Water levels in the Virgin River Narrows, even when the CFS of the river is low, can range from ankle deep to full swims. Most of the time the river is ankle to knee deep, but all top-down hikers should be prepared for deep sections where swimming is required.
Is the Narrows hike worth it?
This section is known as Wall Street. The canyon walls can be just 30 feet wide. TURNAROUND POINT: Some people chose to go as far as Wall Street and then turn around, making it a six-mile round trip hike. If you have the energy to see it, it's well worth the effort.
What time should you hike the Narrows?
Even without the Monsoon, the Narrows should be hiked with a keen eye on the sky to the north. Thunderstorms occur largely in the late afternoon, so get up early and put those miles in before mid-afternoon, so you will be in a safe place during those critical hours 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM.
Can you hike the Narrows in a day?
3 Ways to Hike The Narrows Top-Down Zion Narrows Day Hike (One Day) - Hike the entirety of the canyon (17 miles) in one day from Chamberlain's Ranch. Shuttle and permit required. Top-Down Zion Narrows Backpacking Trip (Overnight) - A more leisurely way to hike, enjoy, photograph, and explore.
Are there bathrooms on the Narrows hike?
At the Temple of Sinawava shuttle stop, there are water fill stations and bathrooms. Make sure to use the restrooms here. If you do need to go pee in The Narrows it is better to do it in the water than on the shore. If you need to go #2 while in The Narrows you MUST pack it out.
Can you drink the water in the Narrows?
DRINKING WATER: Virgin River water in the Zion Narrows is not safe to drink untreated. Either carry all the water you will need or bring a water filter (removes bacteria and protozoan cysts like Giardia from contaminated water) or purifier (a purifier also removes viruses).
How many miles is the hike to the Narrows?
The entire hike is 16 miles long. From the top-down, the hike begins at Chamberlain's Ranch and the Narrows ends 15 miles later at the top end of the Riverside Walk. One more mile of walking on the Riverside Walk gets you to the finish line of the hike, the Temple of Sinawava.
Can a 7 year old hike the Narrows in Zion?
The Narrows, although a very challenging hike, is absolutely possible with kids. We just did it with our 7, 5, and 2 year old children. Yes, we were outnumbered. No, we are not hiking experts by any means but if WE can do it so can you!
What is the best month to hike the Narrows?
The Narrows is a popular hike through the knee-deep Virgin River. Due to cold water temperature and high water levels, the trail is closed in winter and spring. The best time to hike The Narrows is from late May to October, but watch out for summer thunderstorms that can cause deathly flash floods.
Is it better to hike the Narrows in the morning or afternoon?
Best time of day to hike the Narrows The big rush tends to be in the morning as the people who want to hike the furthest start early. By the afternoon, the lower sections are quieter and warmer, which makes for a more enjoyable hike.
How long does the Narrows hike take?
The Narrows stretches for 16 miles but that's if you hike top-down. Most people hike between 2-6 hours on the Narrows hike when starting at the bottom (~6 miles round trip). Since the Narrows hike is an in-and-out trail, whatever mileage and time you put in hiking in, you have to do out.
Can kids hike Zion Narrows?
Nestled deep into Zion National Park, this trail winds through the canyons along the Virgin River. I promise you, you will be humbled and amazed at the beauty of this place. I'm here to tell you that there's no need to wait until your kids are older, you can do this hike WITH them!