How long is the train ride from Bryson City?

How long is the train ride from Bryson City? Join us for a relaxing ride through quiet countryside on your way to small-town life in western North Carolina. Departing from Bryson City, this 4-hour excursion travels 32 miles round-trip to Dillsboro and back again.

Is Polar Express worth it?

The actors in our car were fantastic and interacted very well with the kids?-they definitely made the experience! Santa, as always, was a big hit as he visits on the 2nd half of the trip. The souvenir tumbler, golden ticket and bell are all great touches! I would recommend this to anyone with kids.

What are 3 cities in NC that Amtrak goes to daily?

Six Piedmont trains, owned and operated by the N.C. Department of Transportation, offer daily service to Charlotte, Kannapolis, Salisbury, High Point, Greensboro, Burlington, Durham, Cary and Raleigh. Schedules are subject to change without notice.

What is the best side to sit on the Great Smoky Mountain Railroad?

The best part of open air is that you can move from side to side. The most scenic is on your left going and on your right for the return. However, there are some beautiful views on the opposite side. The train moves slowly and it is very safe to stand.

How far apart is Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg?

How Far Apart are Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge? As a bird flies, the distance between Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge is about five miles total.

Which is more crowded Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge?

Overall, Gatlinburg is more compact than Pigeon Forge, which creates a more pedestrian friendly area. There are some downsides to being in a smaller valley. Since there's not much open space or alternative routes, this mountain town tends to get more crowded than Pigeon Forge.

Is it cheaper to stay in Pigeon Forge or Gatlinburg?

Compare and Save. So, when it comes down to it, Pigeon Forge is generally the cheaper option when comparing lodging, activities, and restaurants. However, there are exceptions to every rule. Be sure to compare prices for each city before making your final decision.