How long is the Road to Hana drive time?

How long is the Road to Hana drive time? With stops, expect that you'll spend six hours getting to Hana. You likely won't stop on your way back, so the return trip should take three hours.

Can you drive the Road to Hana in a rental car?

Yes – as long as your rental car agreement allows it. After exploring Hana, you'll continue to the Oheo Gulch, also known as the Seven Sacred Pools, and take the intermittently unpaved southern route via Highway 31 to follow the coastline and enjoy a beautiful sunset.

Can you do half the Road to Hana?

Can you go half way down the road to Hana, see a few waterfalls, skip the road side stands, turn around and come back? Yes, you can. Go to MM25, see the pool waterfall to the left of the bridge, and that's plenty. You'll see 4-5 waterfalls along the way, a few of them next to the road visible from a bridge.

What do you wear on the Road to Hana?

Cozy footwear is a must. Flip-flops are the best for the beach but don't forget to bring sneakers and socks for Hana hiking. Further, we suggest wearing a swimming suit under your clothes. Maui's hiking tracks usually lead to hidden lakes and stunning waterfalls – mainly along the Road to Hana.

Can you drive halfway to Hana?

On the beautiful island of Maui, the gorgeous and winding road to Hana,Maui is one road you will never forget. Shortly past mile marker 17 you will see the HALFWAY TO HANA sign on your right. You probably have been traveling for about two hours at this time, so it might be a good time to stop for a great treat.

How long should I spend on Road to Hana?

The road has over 600 turns and many stops. If you were to drive straight from Ka'anapali to Hana without any stops, you could make the journey in two hours and 40 minutes. With stops, expect that you'll spend six hours getting to Hana. You likely won't stop on your way back, so the return trip should take three hours.

Is Road to Hana really worth it?

Most of the stops on the Road to Hana are free (e.g., hikes and views) or low-cost (e.g., banana bread stops and black sand beach reservations). Overall, the Road to Hana is a good value for all you get to see and do in one day compared to loading a day of things to do on Maui with kids.

Where do I start driving the Road to Hana?

The 64.4 mile Road to Hana starts officially in the town of Kahului. From there, it winds along the northeastern edge of Maui, where it concludes in the village of Hana. Cutting through high-speed urban areas and rural mountain passes, the Road to Hana offers stunning views.

Is Road to Hana a difficult drive?

The road is only two lanes wide, and it winds through the rainforest, with sharp turns and steep drop-offs. There are also many one-lane bridges along the route, which can be difficult to navigate. Another danger is the potential for landslides.

Is it possible to do the Road to Hana in one day?

It is IMPOSSIBLE to do everything and see all the sights in 1 day (trust us, we've tried.) The best way is to pick a few sights to see each day and stay overnight. Hana is about slowing down and enjoying nature.

Is the Road to Hana a full loop?

As mentioned earlier, you'll need to retrace your steps for your return trip. The Road to Hana is technically a loop, however it's not recommended to check out “Maui's backside.” First, it won't save you that much time. Secondly, most car rental companies specifically discourage this.

Is the Road to Hana stressful?

The best road trips are those where you can cruise around on the open road at your leisure, playing road trip songs or just enjoying the sounds of nature, stress-free. The Road to Hana is the opposite. It's crowded, fairly dangerous, and definitely stressful.

What time should I drive the Road to Hana?

The safest and most pleasant way to travel on the Road to Hana is during daylight hours. Leaving around 7 am will leave you plenty of time for driving and a few interesting stops.

Can you swim in the 7 Sacred Pools?

'Ohe'o Gulch. (Seven Sacred Pools) When water levels are up, there are many more than 7 pools (as the inaccurate name suggests). The pools are currently not open to swimming. (Obey all signs here, as some areas are known for rock slides and have killed people.

How do I prepare for the Road to Hana?

Hana Driving Checklist
  1. Decide on a day-trip or staying overnight. Hana is best experienced over at least a few days. ...
  2. Rent a car. Again, we encourage visitors to do a tour over renting your own car for this journey. ...
  3. Get The R2H CD Guide. ...
  4. Do some research. ...
  5. Pack a bag. ...
  6. Leave early and grab a picnic lunch. ...
  7. Pay attention to time.

Do you need a 4x4 for Road to Hana?

The road is unpaved but well-graded dirt for five miles, and at some points it is only one lane wide and has precipitous drop-offs, but at no point is 4WD essential. The only time you would need 4WD is during a torrential rainstorm—and in that situation, you should stay off the road altogether.

Is it better to do the Road to Hana in reverse?

That's right – driving the Road to Hana in reverse instead of forward! This way, you'll get to see all of the sights from a different perspective while still enjoying the beauty that this historic road has to offer. And, the best part is that you avoid the crowds!

How long is the Road to Hana to drive?

Of all the great road trips in the U.S., Hawaii's coastal Road to Hana is among the most scenic. The 64-mile route on Maui connects the towns of Kahului and Hana. It only takes about three hours from point A to point B if you don't stop — but stop you must, as the sights along the way are part of the adventure.

Do I need a reservation for Road to Hana?

All visitors now must have a reservation voucher in order to enter the extremely popular Wai?anapana State Park (Black Sand Beach), along the famous Road to Hana on Maui. There is a small fee per vehicle (includes all passengers) for a parking reservation (includes entry) for a 3 hour selected allotment.

Is Road to Hana scary to drive?

Some travelers might feel a bit intimidated by the Road to Hana. With sharply curving and sometimes narrow roads that snake along the coastal mountains, there is good reason for caution when driving the Road to Hana.

Do you need sneakers for Road to Hana?

Wear a pair of sneakers you don't mind getting wet along the hiking trails and also a pair of flip flops or sandals for the beach. A lot of Road to Hana is wet and misty, so leave those white tennis shoes at home! (Bonus: bring some plastic bags to wrap your wet/muddy shoes in).

What is the speed limit on the Road to Hana?

There are over 600 hairpin curves and 59 one-lane bridges to cross. With all of those, numerous blind-spots and the 25mph speed limit (or slower), those 52 miles will take about two and a half hours if you don't run into any distractions. However, this road is FILLED with one incredible distraction after another!

Do you get carsick on Road to Hana?

Tip 2: Take nausea medicine. I have a friend who took medicine before going on the Road to Hana and her group still had to turn back because she got so sick. Getting motion sickness is pretty common along this fairly wind-y road so if you can prepare in advance, that will help immensely.