How long is Rainbow River drift dive?

How long is Rainbow River drift dive? Rainbow River During the brief taxi ride, you will be able to see all the beautiful scenery. Then you will take the plunge into the Rainbow River. This will be a drift dive that will last approximately 45-60 minutes with an average of 7-8ft depth and a max of 22ft.

How deep can a human go underwater?

The record for the deepest scuba dive in the underwater world stands at 332.35 meters, set by Ahmed Gabr. Diving to 600 meters with current technology and understanding of human physiology is not feasible and would involve extreme risks.

How cold is the water at Rainbow River?

The flow of the spring is the fourth highest among all the springs in Florida. The cool, clear waters of the headsprings are incredibly refreshing place to swim. The average depth in the natural swimming area runs from 10 to 18 feet, and the water temperature averages 72 degrees year-round.