How long is midge season in Scotland?

How long is midge season in Scotland? Firstly, midge season is generally in the height of the summer, from mid-May to September. So, if you are visiting us at any other time of year, you will not be bothered by them. Also, midges are tiny, much smaller than mosquitoes.

Which coast of Scotland is worst for midges?

Many people want to know the worst place for midges in Scotland in order to avoid them. Well, unfortunately the worst places for midges happen to be some of the most stunning places in our wee country ? the West Coast. Due to the West Coast facing more damp weather, their midge population thrives in the Summer months.

What are the worst months for midges?

Our Tips for keeping the Midges away Firstly, midge season is generally in the height of the summer, from mid-May to September. So, if you are visiting us at any other time of year, you will not be bothered by them.

What eats midges in Scotland?

Pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) do eat insects in the midge family, but these only form a small part of their diet. Similarly, birds such as warblers (Phylloscopus spp.) and swifts (Apus apus) will feed on midges, but this is rare due to their small size and crepuscular habits.

What Colour clothing attracts midges?

Another piece of wisdom to avoid midge bites is to never wear dark coloured clothing. Yes, we all love to wear black as it goes with literally everything, but midges are more attracted to dark coloured clothing.

Where are the most midges in Scotland?

Where are the midge hotspots Scotland? The west of the Highlands, islands and parts of the Cairngorms. They are also found in Perthshire and Argyll.

Do midges bite through clothing?

The best way to prevent midge bites is to wear EPA-registered insect repellent, especially if you're wearing clothes that expose large areas of skin. Biting midges can't bite through clothes, but they can get underneath them. When enjoying outdoor activities, like hiking, it's best to wear long sleeves or pants.

What is the best time to visit Scotland to avoid midges?

From May until September, travelers have a high chance of running into midges, especially in the Highlands. These flying, biting insects prefer wet, humid, and cloudy conditions and come out in full force in July and August. To avoid the midges, book your trip to Scotland between late September and early May.

What Colour do midges hate?

In theory yes, they prefer darker colours - because their prey is dark in colour. They are least attracted to white and bright colours. That's the theory at least, most people I know say it doesn't make a jot of difference in practice but it certainly can't hurt to take extra precautions.