How long is Long Island from east to west?

How long is Long Island from east to west? General Facts. Long Island is the largest and most populous island on the U.S. mainland. It stretches 118 miles long (east-west), is 23 miles at its widest point (north-south) and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the south, Long Island Sound to the north and the East River to the west.

What is the cheapest part of Long Island to live in?

As a general rule, the cheapest place to live on Long Island is the South Shore in Suffolk County or the central part of the island, but there are some affordable hamlets in Nassau County.

Why is it called Long Island?

In 1611, the Dutch explorer Adriaen Block became the first European to sail into what became known as Long Island Sound. Once he reached its end, he realized the body of land to the east was not a peninsula but an island. The Dutch name—'t Lange Eylandt—was apt, and it stuck.

Are beaches in Long Island free?

Local and town beaches such as Long Beach, Coopers Beach, Main Beach, and Ditch Plains charge varying fees for non-residents of up to $50 for peak season access. To avoid a costly visit, we recommend: You check the park's website.