How long is a Ryanair voucher valid for?
How long is a Ryanair voucher valid for? Travel Vouchers are valid for 12 months after the issue date and can be extended once. You can check the validity period in the latest email from us containing your individual Voucher. Travel vouchers can be redeemed for cash at any time.
Does Ryanair have a grace period?
We allow a grace period of 24 hours from the time of your original booking to correct any minor errors you may have made (dates/times) free of charge. We also allow you to reverse the route if you've booked your flights incorrectly (e.g., you may change DUB to STN to STN to DUB).
Are Ryanair vouchers valid for 5 years?
Gift Cards can be redeemed on or via the app. Gift Cards may be issued in digital or physical format. Gift Cards are valid for 5 years from the Card issue date. The card code is valid until fully redeemed within the expiry date.
How long can you claim Ryanair?
However, if the delay is caused by technical problems or a strike by airline staff, you are likely to be owed compensation under Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004. In addition, you generally have up to 3 years to file a Ryanair flight delay compensation claim.
Does Ryanair do live chat?
You have multiple options to contact us: call us as per the number below or chat with us - our Molli chat bot can help you 24/7 and our agents are available 7 days a week (see the opening hours for agent support below).
Can you buy a Ryanair voucher for someone else?
When you are buying a Ryanair gift card for someone else, bear in mind that they are non-refundable. If you have been given one as a present, it will expire after 12 months from the original purchase. This date can't be extended. If the voucher has your name on it, you can't change this to another person.
Can I transfer a flight voucher to someone else?
If you've got a handful of credits or vouchers, don't worry: Most airlines easily allow you to apply up to three or more toward one transaction. Just keep in mind you can generally only use these travel credits for yourself, not someone else.
What to do if your airline voucher is about to expire?
If your travel voucher is about to expire, the first thing that you should do is contact the airline that issued the voucher. Many airlines have been extending vouchers that were issued over the past two years. If the airline won't extend your voucher, you may still have options.
Can I get money back instead of travel voucher?
What's the law? The U.S. Department of Transportation (DoT) is clear on the issue of refunds: if your flight is canceled by the airline and you choose not to travel, you are entitled to a refund. That means the dollar amount you paid, not a voucher for the equivalent to use with the airline.
What happens if my travel credit expires?
If your travel voucher is about to expire, the first thing that you should do is contact the airline that issued the voucher. Many airlines have been extending vouchers that were issued over the past two years. If the airline won't extend your voucher, you may still have options.