How long have the Strawbridges owned the chateau?

How long have the Strawbridges owned the chateau? We found The Chateau in October 2014 and purchase was completed January 2015. Our neighbours include members of the de Baglion family, who have been nothing but welcoming and continued to maintain the property even after we had paid our deposit.

Why are there so many cheap chateaus in France?

Why these properties are so seemingly cheap is obvious to the French: The castles are a money-suck. They demand constant repairs. The lower-priced ones are often located in isolated areas, far from the nearest train station or grocery store. They consume massive amounts of energy.

Does Angels mum and dad live in the chateau?

Dick joked: “Angela's parents live in the coach house, so we have the best childcare in the world which is an enormous help!”

Who inherits Escape to the Chateau?

James Strawbridge has revealed his half-siblings will inherit his father's Escape to the Chateau home. Dick Strawbridge and his wife, Angel Adoree, have been renovating their home for years.

Who has sold their chateau DIY?

Château La Perrière has been part of Karen, Paul, and their kids Thomas and Katie's lives for over sixteen years. And visiting and restoring their home has been a labour of love – and an adventure too. Now they've sold up and are moving on to the next chapter of their lives.