How long does pre-boarding last?

How long does pre-boarding last? Depending on an individual's situation, it could be one short week or two long months before they start with you. If the preboarding period is longer, check in with them across the course of it. You can send over some light reading so they feel empowered with the knowledge they need to hit the ground running.

Does autism qualify for Preboarding?

Yes, you can request additional support from airline staff for your autistic child. This may include assistance with checking in, passing through security, and boarding the plane. It is recommended that you contact the airline in advance to make these requests.

Can anyone Preboard a flight?

You request it at either the ticket counter or with the customer service agent at the gate. Just let them know you would like to request preboarding due to a disability that requires a specific seat. They aren't supposed to ask what your disability is.

How do you qualify for Preboarding?

Some Customers with disabilities are able to preboard at the very beginning of the boarding process prior to general boarding. Preboarding is available for Customers with disabilities who need a specific seat to accommodate a disability, need assistance boarding the aircraft, or need to stow an assistive device.

Who gets denied boarding?

The most common reason for denied boarding is overbooking. This is when airlines sell more tickets than there are seats on the aircraft. The reason for this common practice is so-called 'no-shows'.