How long does lunch last in Spain?

How long does lunch last in Spain? Lunch Time in Spain: 2-3:30 pm Lunch will typically begin at 2pm, although at a stretch can start at 1:30pm in some places. From 4pm onwards, restaurants usually stop serving lunch as they run out of options on their menu del dias. Wine or beer is often served with a set lunch menu.

Why do they eat lunch late in Spain?

It may sound funny, but this is due to a complicated political reason in the past. ?It dates back to World War II when Spain was under the rule of General Francisco Franco, a dictator. In 1940, he changed Spain's clock to one hour ahead to make Spain in the same time zone as Nazi Germany.

How does lunch work in Spain?

A typical Spaniard eating schedule is as followed: – Comida (lunch): anywhere from 1pm to 3pm, depending on your schedule. – Merienda (mid-afternoon snack): anywhere from 5pm to 7pm. – Cena (dinner): anywhere from 8:30pm to 11pm.

Is it rude to be late in Spain?

Punctuality is not highly important in Spain. People can arrive half an hour late to a social function with no questions raised. If someone turns up late and apologises, people are likely to respond with something like “no pasa nada” – meaning “It's not that important”.