How long does it take to ship a car from the West Coast to Hawaii?

How long does it take to ship a car from the West Coast to Hawaii? Shipping times can vary depending on departure and destination ports, weather conditions and shipping methods. On average, the journey from the mainland to Hawaii takes around eight to 20 days.

How clean does my car need to be to ship to Hawaii?

What condition does my vehicle need to be in when I ship it? Vehicles must delivered clean inside and out. No more than a ¼ tank of gas and NO personal belongings.

How long would it take a cruise ship to get from California to Hawaii?

It is 2561 miles between the two. If you are asking about a cruise ship it takes five days to travel from CA to HI. A standard cruise is 15 days; five days to HI, five days around the HI islands, and five days back.

How long does it take to ship a car from Los Angeles to Honolulu?

Car shipping from California to Hawaii typically takes between one and two weeks because it's a form of long-distance auto transport. If you're driving to a port in California, take additional time into account when preparing for the shipment so that your vehicle doesn't miss the boat.