How long does it take to get to Jungfraujoch from Lauterbrunnen?
How long does it take to get to Jungfraujoch from Lauterbrunnen? Travelling from Lauterbrunnen to Jungfraujoch by train The fastest trains from Lauterbrunnen to Jungfraujoch take around 1 hour and 33 minutes, covering a distance of approximately 8 kilometres.
What should I wear to Jungfraujoch?
Wear warm clothing, as Jungfraujoch is quite chilly even in the summer. Ample sun protection for the skin is necessary due to the powerful radiation at high altitudes. Without sunglasses, there is a high risk of snow blindness on the glacier!
Can I use Swiss pass to Jungfraujoch?
The Swiss Travel Pass covers the Jungfrau Area, providing you access to many stunning destinations. However, it's important to note that while most of the area is included, the specific route from Kleine Scheidegg to Jungfraujoch is not covered entirely.
How much time do you need at Jungfraujoch?
We recommend at least 5–6 hours to allow a reasonable amount of time on the Jungfraujoch. From Grindelwald Terminal with the Eiger Express: The journey from Grindelwald Terminal takes 45 minutes there and 45 minutes back. We recommend at least 3.5–4.5 hours to allow a reasonable amount of time on the Jungfraujoch.
Is Lauterbrunnen free with Swiss Pass?
It doesn't include the Trümmelbach falls. You pay for them. From Wengen to the Jungfraujoch it covers 25% of the cost. Jungfraujoch/Grindelwald/Lauterbrunnen/Wengen - you pay 25% of the cost to Grindelwald and then it covers you 100% from there to Zweilütschinen to Lauterbrunnen to Wengen.
Can you do Grindelwald and Jungfrau in one day?
You can get to the top of Switzerland's Jungfrau mountain in one of the most scenic journeys of your entire Swiss visit, while on the same big day you can find time for several easy hikes and scenic rides by train and cable car, enjoying some of the world's finest sights, walking Grindelwald's glacier gulch, and ...
How long is the train ride from Interlaken to Jungfraujoch?
If you are travelling by Eiger Express, which is the fastest route, will take about 1 hour and 36 minutes to get from Interlaken to Jungfraujoch.
Can I buy Jungfraujoch train on the day itself?
You don't need to reserve or book in advance for trains to Jungfraujoch, you can just turn up, buy a ticket at the station and go. In fact, I recommend buying a ticket on the day so you can check the weather before deciding to go - check the webcam on
Is there a cable car to Jungfraujoch?
Travel to the top of Europe with this ticket from Interlaken to Jungfraujoch that includes travel by rail, cogwheel train or cable car. Entry to all the attractions at the summit is included, like the Sphinx Observation Terrace, the Ice Palace and the Aletsch glacier.
Is it worth going to Jungfraujoch?
A visit to Jungfraujoch is worth it if: You want to see spectacular alpine views. Riding a historic railway interests you. You come from a climate where you typically don't get to see snow. You want to visit one of the highest points in the Swiss Alps (without mountain climbing).
Which side of train is best for Jungfraujoch?
For the best photo opportunities on the up to the Jungfraujoch, sit on the right side of the train (facing forward). 4) Take time to explore Kleine Scheidegg before transfering to the Jungfraubahn train.
What is the difference between Jungfrau and Jungfraujoch?
Jungfrau is a peak in the Bernese Alps - 4158 metres above sea-level. Jungfraujoch ( 3471 m ) is the col - lowest point on the ridge between Jungfraujoch and Moench peaks,and is also called Top of Europe . I understand it is a 4/5 hour climb from Jungfraujoch area ( Moenchjoch huts to the summit.
Which is better Mt Titlis or Jungfrau?
FAQ. Which is better Jungfraujoch or Titlis? While both destinations are really nice and Jungfraujoch is more unique, Mount Titlis is much easier, quicker, and also significantly cheaper to visit than Jungfrau. So if you have to pick just one of the two – in summer or in winter – I think I'd go to Mt Titlis.