How long does Interrail pass last?

How long does Interrail pass last? For Passes valid for 1, 2 or 3 months continuously, your Pass is valid for 1, 2 or 3 months after your start date. You can use your Pass to travel every day within that period. So if your start date is 4 July and you have a 3 months Pass, your Pass is valid for 3 months from 4 July ? so up to and including 3 October.

Should UK citizens use Interrail or Eurail?

If you live in Europe, order an Interrail Pass. If you live outside of Europe, order a Eurail Pass from 3. If you have a European passport and a non-European passport but live in a different European country, you can travel with a passport or national identity card (ID).

What is the cheapest way to Interrail around Europe?

One of the most budget-friendly ways to see Europe is by using an Interrail train Pass. With a single Pass you can hop on and off many of Europe's trains. Costs of accommodation, food and entertainment do vary between countries, but there are many ways to enjoy a low-cost trip.

How big of a backpack do I need for Interrail?

We recommend taking a main backpack of between 50 and 70 litres for a 3 week interrail. You should also take a day sack for exploring cities.

Do overnight trains count as two travel days Interrail?

Night trains When travelling on a night train that leaves on one day and arrives the next, you only have to spend 1 travel day: the day of departure (however, keep in mind that the arrival day of the night train needs to fall within the validity of your Pass).

Is Eurostar included in Interrail?

Yes! If you have a Interrail Global Pass, you can travel on the Eurostar high-speed train connecting London with France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

How long is an Interrail pass valid before activation?

You need to activate your Pass within 11 months of the day you bought it. You can activate and start using your Pass any time before this date.

Which period is best for Interrail?

Winter is one of the best times of year to hop on a train and get to know a different side of Europe. As the streets become less busy and the rooftops get dusted with snow, quirky traditions come alive and city lights shine a little brighter.

How much should I budget for interrailing per day?

We would advise allowing for around 50-100 euros per day, do you have to spend this exact amount every day? No. Different factors will come into play, for example, one of the days you may want to do a tour that costs around 15-20 euros, but you still need to allow money for eating, public transport etc.

Is 1st class Interrail Pass worth it?

When travelling on the Eurostar, first class Interrail pass holders are in Standard Premier. In this carriage you are served a small, cold meal with juice or wine. It makes the reservation fee feel a little more worth it and the journey a little more luxurious.

Can you sleep on the Eurail?

Save precious travel time by moving from one destination to the next while you sleep. Most European night trains are included in the Eurail passes. You'll just need to reserve and pay for your preferred sleeping accommodation type in addition to your pass. Don't forget about your seat reservations!

How do I avoid Eurail reservation fees?

If you're traveling on a budget, remember that most slower national and regional trains don't require seat reservations, so if you're willing to take the scenic route you can often avoid the extra cost.

What is the 7pm rule?

Here's how the 7pm rule works If your overnight train is leaving after 7pm then you can put in the following day's date on your rail pass and use one rather than two days of travel for the overnight trip. Simple!