How long commute is acceptable?

How long commute is acceptable? It is generally acceptable to commute to work by car from 30 minutes to 60 minutes, especially in big cities. What is a good distance to commute to work?

Is a 30 minute commute to work too long?

As long as that's pretty normal, no big deal. If it can turn into an hour plus with traffic issues, then I might be concerned. I've done much worse (90 minute commute that could extend to 3+ hours), but my current commute is about 20 minutes & there are never any major traffic delays.

How far is too far to commute daily to work?

Commuting from home to work should be less than 50 miles and within 30 minutes, and the surrounding area of your workplace should be within 50 miles of your home. It is ideal for commuters to take at least 5 minutes to commute to work, and the one-way commute should take more than 16 minutes.

Does a long commute make you tired?

The stress of commuting can leave you feeling more fatigued. Inactive commuting can be detrimental to your health. Longer commute means long sitting hours which can hurt your health, increase your waistline, cause joint stiffness and back pain.

Is commuting to work stressful?

Commuting also has significant psychological and social costs. It can be a major cause of stress, due to its unpredictability and a sense of loss of control. Commuters can experience boredom, social isolation, anger, and frustration from problems like traffic or delays.

Is 90 minutes too long for a commute?

People who commute 90 minutes or more are more likely to have back and neck pain, and long commute times also up your blood pressure and anxiety levels. Then there's also the time suck of it all.

Is a 45 minute commute too long?

45 minutes is very standard, the shortest of my coworkers is 30 minutes. Many folks are up near 1.5 hours. You and your husband are extremely likely to change jobs, so the commute may not always be the same. That being said, 45 minutes is not that bad.

What is the average commute time UK?

What is the average commute time? According to a study by the TUC , the average time spent travelling to and from work in the UK is 59 minutes per day.

How do you survive a long commute to work?

Tips to Help You Survive Your Long Commute
  1. Leave 15 minutes earlier. ...
  2. Be strategic. ...
  3. Take control of your environment. ...
  4. Pack snacks. ...
  5. Leave your car at home (if you can) ...
  6. Minimize screen-staring. ...
  7. Keep a regular schedule.

What is a reasonable commute distance?

Reasonable Commuting Distance means a distance that is fewer than 50 straight-line miles from the Business Employee's principal residence. In addition, a distance that does not increase a Business Employee's commute by more than five straight-line miles shall also be a Reasonable Commuting Distance.

Is 1.5 hours too far to commute?

Yes, it is probably possible, but you really don't want to do so if you can avoid it. If you are doing a regular 35 hours week then a 1.5-hour commute is doable and you'll have enough time left to do something in the evenings, but not much.

Is a 20 minute commute too much?

Just how bad is a commute on job satisfaction? A study by the University of West England found that adding 20 minutes to your daily commute has the same negative effect on job satisfaction as receiving a 19 percent pay cut. In fact, every extra minute commuting lowered satisfaction with their job and leisure time.

Does a shorter commute make you happier?

Data from the US showed that more time spent on the daily commute was related to higher levels of fatigue and stress during commuting [12]. Clark et al. [9] found that longer commute times were associated with lower job and leisure time satisfaction, increased strain, and poorer mental health.