How long can you stay in the UK with a tourist visa?

How long can you stay in the UK with a tourist visa? You can usually stay in the UK for up to 6 months. You might be able to apply to stay for longer in certain circumstances, for example to get medical treatment.

Is the UK 180 day rule per visit or per year?

Is the UK 180 day rule per visit or per year? The 180-day rule for UK visitors applies per visit, not per year. Under the visitor rules, an overseas national can cumulatively stay for more than 180 days in any 12-month period over the course of two or more separate trips.

How many times can a US resident travel?

Can Permanent Residents Leave the U.S. Multiple Times and Return? As an LPR, you can leave the U.S. any number of times you want and return as long as you don't abandon your LPR status, and you have the correct documents to re-enter.