How long can a Dutch citizen stay in the UK?

How long can a Dutch citizen stay in the UK? If you're an EU , EEA or Swiss Citizen travelling to the UK for a short business trip, you may not need to apply for a visa. Under the UK 's new points-based immigration system, you can continue to visit the UK without applying for a visa. In most cases you can stay for up to 6 months.

Is the UK 180 day rule per visit or per year?

Is the UK 180 day rule per visit or per year? The 180-day rule for UK visitors applies per visit, not per year. Under the visitor rules, an overseas national can cumulatively stay for more than 180 days in any 12-month period over the course of two or more separate trips.

What happens if you overstay 6 months in UK?

Under section 24 of the Immigration Act 1971, overstaying your UK visa for any duration is a criminal offense, potentially leading to a fine or imprisonment. However, you could benefit from a 14-day grace period if you have a “good reason” for submitting a late immigration application.