How long can a British citizen stay in Spain?

How long can a British citizen stay in Spain? As a UK tourist, you can visit Spain without a visa. However, you must abide by the 90/180-day rule, which means that you can stay for a maximum of 90 days within 180 days. It's important to keep track of your days accurately so you don't overstay your welcome.

Can I split my 90 days in Spain?

The 90 days don't have to be consecutive – for example, you could spend 30 days in Spain, 30 days in France, and 30 days in Italy within the six-month period allowed, with gaps in between each stay.

Can the British stay in Spain for longer than 90 days in six months?

If you are a non-EEA national (including British) and wish to stay in Spain for longer than 90 days, you will need a visa. You should apply for the visa that suits your purpose from a Spanish Consulate in your home country.

How does a UK citizen get Spanish residency?

British citizens / UK nationals can obtain a Spanish residency visa under the Spain's Investment Residency Permit Program. More commonly known as the 'Golden Visa', it allows investors and their families who meet the requirements, to secure Spanish residency by investing in Spain.

Can I spend 90 days in Spain then 90 days in Portugal?

The 90/180 rule applies to all of the European countries which have signed the Schengen agreement, so it doesn't matter if you spent your days spread out between countries; as long as those are Schengen member states, the time you spent in those countries is counted towards your 90 days. They go over the 180-day limit.

Can you live in Spain without residency?

The 90-day rule
This rule simply states that you can live in Spain without residency for a maximum of 90 days. After those 3 months, you need to either obtain a residence permit, or leave the country. And that is because the shortest stay option is the tourist (or Schengen) visa, which lasts exactly for 90 days.