How likely is it to rain in Cancun in August?
How likely is it to rain in Cancun in August? August is during the rainy season, though it's not the wettest month; that's actually October. However, there's always some chance of rain in the tropics, no matter the month. Remember that just because August is in the wet season, doesn't mean it will rain in Cancun in August.
Does it rain all day in Cancun during rainy season?
When is rainy season in Cancun? The rainy season in Mexico runs from late August to November. It's rare to get a full day of rain however, as most showers only last for a few hours.
Why does it say rain everyday in Cancun?
because of the tropical climate, the forcasts show rain as often as they do as a precaution. These pass quickly in most cases if they ever pop up at all. Most of all I would recommend that you not worry because it is highly unlikely that it will rain in Cancun every day.
Has anyone been to Cancun in August?
We were there 4 days, it was a mix of sun and dark storm clouds. A few drops of rain, some thunder, but overall not bad. August is the only time we've ever gone to Cancun and it's hot, but we've still loved it. We've been lucky with the weather, too.
What is the rainiest month in Cancun?
September is the rainiest month of the year, expecting at least ten wet days with an average monthly rainfall of 270mm. Humidity levels are high due to cloud coverage, ranging from 58% to 98% throughout the wet season. Cancun weather in the winter is very pleasant with average highs of 28°C.
Is it better to go to Mexico in August or September?
The best time to visit Mexico is between December and April, when the sun is high in the sky, and there is almost no rain. July to August is also a good season to visit, as the summer heat would have waned away, but the summer vacation crowds might be too high for some people.