How late can I buy alcohol in Spain?

How late can I buy alcohol in Spain? Buying Alcohol Past 11:00pm As you may have already noticed, after 11 p.m. you'll have a pretty hard time buying alcohol. Before 11 you can pick up alcoholic drinks wherever you want but afterwards the shops will be closed.

Can you buy alcohol at night in Spain?

Under the new regulations, alcohol is prohibited from being sold in late-night stores. Any store caught selling alcohol between the hours of 9.30pm and 8am face fines of up to €600,000 or risk being closed down for three years.

Can a 17 year old go to a club in Spain?

Minimum Age for going out in Lloret de Mar However, from the age of 16 you can easily enter many nightlife clubs in Lloret de Mar! There is not much control at nightlife. This also applies to buying alcoholic drinks, which in Spain also has a legal age of 18 years and older.

What is the 3 drink rule in Spain?

According to a letter sent by tour operator Thomas Cook to customers which confirmed the new rule updates, all-inclusive no longer means unlimited drinks. Instead, holidaymakers will be allowed three drinks at lunch and three drinks at dinner as part of their package. Any more they'll have to pay for.

What time is last call in Spain?

That means the “last call for alcohol” is at 02:30 and everybody should be out by 03:00. On Fridays and Saturdays, as well as days before a día festivo (public holiday), an extra half an hour is allowed. Discos or “nite clubs” can stay open till 6am.

How strict is Spain with ID?

If you are in Spain (no matter what country you are from), you must carry a valid ID card or passport at all times, and failure to do so could see the police detain you temporarily whilst they ascertain your identity, and furthermore, it is within their rights to issue a fine.

Can a 17 year old go to a bar in Spain?

Night Clubs, Bars: The law expressly prohibits the entry of persons under 18 years in nightclubs and similar establishments at night time, including theatres, night cinemas, television shows, etc.

Can you drink at 16 in Spain with parents?

Drinking in Spain However, those under the age of 18 can buy beer or wine if they are with their parents, and there's no minimum age for drinking alcohol inside the home, so it's up to parents to decide whether they think their child should be allowed to drink.

Can you go to a club at 16 in Spain?

Technically, no. The legal age to go clubbing in Spain is 18. Most clubs and venues require guests to be 18 or older to enter and enjoy nightlife activities. However, many Spanish teenagers are able to go clubbing as early as 16 or 17 depending on how well it is enforced.

Do you tip in Spain?

Tipping in Spain works differently: The customer actually has the option to not leave any tip at all. However, restaurants expect a 10% tip on each bill—although it's not a formal rule, and that percentage is much lower than tipping practices in other countries.

Why do Spanish hotels take your passport?

In Spain, hotels are legally bound to register the passport details of the tourist when they arrive. Previously, this was a way of making sure that customers didn't leave without settling their bills.