How is the fishing at Great Bear Lake?

How is the fishing at Great Bear Lake? Great Bear boasts the All Tackle World Records for lake trout and arctic grayling, as well as dozens of line class records. Great Bear Lake Lodge is where our two turbine Otters are stationed and therefore is our only lodge that offers daily fly out opportunities.

Why is Bear Lake so deep?

It was formed by fault subsidence that continues today, slowly deepening the lake along the eastern side. In 1911 the majority of the flow of the Bear River was diverted into Bear Lake via Mud Lake and a canal from Stewart Dam, ending 11,000 years of separation between the lake and that river system.

How big are the fish in Bear Lake?

BEAR LAKE WHITEFISH AND BONNEVILLE WHITE FISH – These fish are indistinguishable beyond 10 inches in length. The Bonneville whitefish have gray-blue spots along their sides until they reach that size. These whitefish are elongated, relatively cylindrical fish.

What is special about Great Bear Lake?

With a surface area of 31,328 km2, Great Bear Lake is the largest lake located entirely inside Canadian borders. It is also the fourth largest in North America and the eighth largest in the world. Water flows out of the lake into the Great Bear River, then into the Mackenzie River.

How deep is Great Bear Lake?

Great Bear Lake is a lake in the boreal forest of Canada. It is the largest lake entirely in Canada, the fourth-largest in North America, and the eighth-largest in the world.

What is the hardest lake fish to catch?

Lake Trout are a particularly difficult fish to catch because of their limited location. Lake Trout are only found in certain parts of North America, and only live in lakes or reservoirs. Lake Trout are the largest species of char. They can live from 20-50 years and can reaches sizes in excess of 45 kilograms.

What time of day is best to fish Big Bear Lake?

Fishing from the Shore The best time for fishing is from just before sunrise to mid-morning or from early sundown until dark.