How is Hawaii doing with tourism?

How is Hawaii doing with tourism? Hawaii Island: There were 161,172 visitors to Hawaii Island in March 2023, compared to 141,854 visitors (+13.6%) in March 2022, and 161,087 visitors (+0.1%) in March 2019. Visitor spending was $236.9 million in March 2023, compared to $217.3 million (+9.1%) in March 2022, and $200.7 million (+18.0%) in March 2019.

Is Maui too crowded?

Mayor Victorino is responsible for overseeing the state's second-largest island, Maui - one of the areas most stretched by increased demand. Its 30 miles of unspoiled beaches draw in up to 300,000 arrivals each month, but current visitor numbers exceed even pre-pandemic levels.

Why do so many tourists go to Hawaii?

Relaxation and natural beauty are the top draws Known for its active volcanoes, wildlife refuges, and tall active peaks, it's little wonder that 88% of our respondents cite natural beauty as a reason for visiting Hawaii. Relaxing by the beach is the second most popular reason for visiting.

Is Hawaii really expensive?

To live comfortably in Hawaii, an annual income of around $70,000 to $100,000 for a single person, or $120,000 to $200,000 for a family is recommended. Is it expensive to live in Hawaii? Yes, Hawaii is known for its high cost of living due to factors such as housing, groceries, utilities, and transportation.

Is tourism down on Maui 2023?

In August 2023, visitor arrivals to Oahu (507,702 visitors, +11.0%), Hawaii Island (152,951, +4.1%) and Kauai (131,628 visitors, +9.0%) increased while visitor arrivals to Maui (112,259 visitors, -57.8%) dropped significantly compared to August 2022.

What are the risks of traveling to Hawaii?

Floods and landslides They're more of a problem for hikers and other adventurers. However, they do occasionally lead to landslides. Landslides are probably the most significant danger to people driving around the islands, and are most common in remote areas of Kauai, Maui, Moloka'i, and Lanai.

Is Hawaii safe travels still in effect?

The State of Hawai'i has ended its Safe Travels Hawai'i program*. Keep yourself, your family and friends, and your communities across the Hawaiian Islands healthy and safe by following the simple tips and advice in this section.

Does Hawaii want tourists after fire?

Hawaii public officials want tourists back after the horrible wildfire as soon as possible, but airlines and tour operators know that it takes time for local communities to heal. Maui's tourism recovery has been moving at a sluggish pace since the wildfires devastated the island's western region in early August.

Should tourists go to Hawaii now?

The best thing people can do right now to support Maui's recovery is to come visit, said Ilihia Gionson, spokesperson for the Hawaii Tourism Authority.

Is tourism back to normal in Hawaii?

While the pandemic pummeled Hawaii in its early stages, the Aloha State's tourism industry is back, and by some metrics, bigger than ever. The number of tourists from the U.S. mainland is higher than it was before the pandemic — and average spending per trip is also higher.

Where does Hawaii rank in tourism?

Hawaii was given the No. 1 rank in the categories of travel and tourism consumer spending per capita and share of consumer expenditures on travel, and it was second for the share of travel- and tourism industry-generated GDP.

Is it safe to travel to Waikiki Hawaii?

Remember: friendly locals and a solid police presence around downtown Honolulu and Waikiki Beach makes these areas largely very safe for tourists at night.

Is Hawaii crowded with tourists?

Crowds: Hawaii is a popular tourist destination, & many of its attractions can get crowded, particularly during peak season.

What happened with Hawaii?

Hawaii was made a territory in 1900, and Dole became its first governor. Racial attitudes and party politics in the United States deferred statehood until a bipartisan compromise linked Hawaii's status to Alaska, and both became states in 1959.

Which Hawaiian island has the most tourism?

Oahu - The Gathering Place Oahu is the most visited of all the Hawaiian islands, at nearly 4.7 million visitors annually. Oahu is primarily defined by the state capital of Honolulu, as well as Pearl Harbor and the famous beach known as Waikiki.

Is it safe to go to Honolulu now?

The HTA added: “Currently, travel is still welcomed to the island of Hawaii. Visitors are encouraged to contact their hotel accommodations provider and airlines for updates that could affect their stay on island.”

Why is Hawaii so expensive?

The truth is, Hawaii is consistently ranked as the most expensive state in the United States due to high housing, energy, transportation and food costs. Don't be discouraged—that doesn't mean it's completely out of reach for a buyer looking for their slice of paradise.

Is Hawaii still struggling with tourism?

Is Hawaii still struggling with tourism? The state's tourism board is on the brink of collapse — along with its helpful policies on managing foot traffic to Hawaii's most beautiful and sacred sites. Tourist arrivals in Hawaii are near pre-pandemic levels as the industry works to manage the impact.

Who controls Hawaii tourism?

The Hawai'i Tourism Authority (HTA) provides comprehensive management of tourism for the State of Hawai'i . We are the state's official source for information on tourism market research, partnership opportunities, industry news and timely updates during emergency situations.

Will people travel in 2023?

A resounding 87% of survey respondents expect to travel at least as much as they did in the prior year, with 49% selecting that they expect to travel more. This is especially true among younger respondents, with 59% of those between the ages of 18 to 26 planning to travel more in 2023.

Is it ethical to travel to Hawaii 2023?

Here's why. Fodor's Travel named Maui one of 10 destinations on its 2023 “No List” that tourists should reconsider visiting this year. The travel publication outlined 10 regions ranging from Antarctica to Italy that are threatened by environmental damage caused by overtourism and climate change.